Here, at last, is the completed 747-400 Wunala Dreaming.
This is not a project that I would recommend to anyone with a weak constitution or anyone who wants to make a perfect replica of Wunala Dreaming. As is often the case with modelling, a series of small problems compounded to make completing this one a bit of a nightmare but, as is also the case with many models, the problems were mainly of my own making. But it doesn't look too bad.
Continuing on with the decal business. The Brazil Decals window decals look dreadful on the model and I had to settle with the Draw decals window set for this kit. What would be best would be black windows with silver outlines, but I didn't have any and I was more interested in getting this one done and off my work table than ferreting around for something better. You might do better with these decals. If you do, I will salute your modelling skills.