Flying Tadpole decals 48th.jpg (74.01 KiB) Viewed 3559 times
Tadpole artwork, bit rough but I am sure you can do something with it. Image approximately 1/48 scale. 3DB infill was hand painted. Fred Paul, Mallard decals "coming"
'bout an hour's work...unfortunately I can't find any fonts to match, with the exception of the registration, so I have to resort to the lost art of tracing.
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987 Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
No time pressure from here. As long as it takes. Though, some of the more extreme members of the MoB are planning a special Didier Palix (owner of Mach 2) display for our next display day, and a 3DB Seebee would certainly stand out.