OK guys,
Time for a frank chat.
I am concerned about the future viability of the A/CAM site. After having made several pleas over these past months for new forum members, our membership numbers have remained static at just over 100. This can't go on. We have tried several strategies to bolster Forum membership numbers including riding the site of the paid membership requirement, and introducing the A/CAM Facebook page to give the site a wider exposure, this however has had limited success to date. I am considering one or two other potential options to bring people to the site, including some advertising in ModelArt magazine etc, but that obviously comes at an additional cost to the monthly financial outlay of maintaining the site.
I have decided to give things until after Model Expo, (which will give us one more opportunity to promote the site), and then, if things don't improve, some tough decisions will have to be made.
Guys, I would hate to have to wrap up the site.......it has proven to be a great little site with a core group of fiercely loyal and committed members. There is none of the argy-bargy and keyboard-conflict that seems to afflict other sites, and that has made for a very pleasant place to be, with a real feel of comradeship and friendliness amongst our small group. It would indeed be a shame to loose this. I knew full-well when setting up A/CAM that we would only ever be a small SIG/ niche group, (we were never going to be another AMI, Hyperscale, or Britmodeller in size and diversity-of-modeling interests) .......but I do however need us to be a larger group then we presently are if the monthly financial outlay and continued site maintenance is to be justified.