Hi all,
As part of the overall A/CAM fee wind-back and eventual elimination, A/CAM Forum entry and membership is now free.
Note that Forum application/entry process is now separate from the main site.
Simply apply for FORUM entry and activation and I or one of the other A/CAM moderators will approve your application, (following appropriate spammer and security checks).
Remember that as an A/CAM forum member your are bound by the A/CAM code-of-conduct and by applying for forum entry it is a given that you accept the rules of this site in their entirety and without excpetion. All potential A/CAM forum members should also familiarize themselves with the A/CAM banning policy.
For potential new A/CAM forums members, we are a friendly bunch who respect each other and love our aeroplanes and modelling.....if that is you then welcome to our site and enjoy yourself.
NOTE: This is a SPAM-FREE ZONE and will stay that way. If any forum entry application looks even remotely like a spammer attempting site entry, it will immediately be deleted.