Cap'n Wannabe wrote:Easy to tell the difference between grades visually. 100/130 is blue. It's one of the things we look at when we check the fuel, so we can tell it's the correct grade, or even correct bugsmashers won't run on jet fuel too well.
When we do a fuel drain, we smell the fuel - to make sure it's actually fuel, and not a heap of water, check the colour, and look for water or other contaminants. All part of the daily inspection, and something we have to do after each refuelling.
Water separates out of Avgas really well , and because the water is heavier it goes to the bottom fairly quickly , where as Jet -A1 will hold water in suspension some times unable to be picked up by the human eye . That's why we use She'll water detector capsules . You need a fair slug of water in Jet before the naked eye can see it .
Good procedures Damo , as you can't rely on the refueller to deliver the correct grade .
we have a guy from Morrabbin working with us now
what a complete dill he is may know of him ,Mr D Hosie . It's
at times what he gets up to .