Wunala Dreaming

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Wunala Dreaming

Postby F-27pax » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:54 pm

Gentlemen (and others)

My 747 project has now moved on to the stage where it is time to think seriously about the Qantas 747-400 Wunala Dreaming, the first version. I recall that this was discussed here or in the other place (as politicians say when they refer to the other chamber in parliament) but not the precise details. I have the appropriate BraZ decals so the only real problem is with the shade of the red fuselage. And Here I need some suggestions.

I've collected lots of photos of this aeroplane off the interweb and I'm pretty sure that Tamiya rattlecan TS-8 Italian Red is as close as I'm likely to get to the tail colour on all QF 747s, including Wunala Dreaming. However, in some of the photos it looks as though the aeroplane is the same colour all over and in others it has a darker hue and in others again the finish looks quite brassy in shade. I seem to recall somebody saying that this is because the entire red fuselage was lightly sprayed with gold (not the metal, I expect), which is what gives it those colour variations. Can anyone verify this memory?

Assuming that this is true, does anyone have suggestions about how this colour scheme might be replicated in model form.

Throbbing with anticipation at your suggestions. If nothing useful comes it will have to be that TS-8 will be near enough and good enough

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Re: Wunala Dreaming

Postby Graeme H » Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:53 am

Hi Leigh

Firstly I think the Tamiya Italian Red is a good match, so go for it.
I personally have never heard of the random spray being Gold, It always looked Ochre to me, you would need to work out where the decals go and airbrush some on very lightly and can be very patchy as well.

To my eye both OJB (the 1st one) and OEJ (the 2nd one) are the same fuselage wise, only the engines are different.

So I went out and got some photos for you of OEJ, it's the kind of guy I am 8-)
You can clearly see around the Qantas title the random spray
[url][URL=http://s183.photobucket.com/user/qfa_tsv/media/Aircraft/B747%20400/FuselageNosestbd.jpg.html]Image[/url] [/url]

and here on the tail you can see a patch behind the green circle and it finishes before the rear pax door

[url][URL=http://s183.photobucket.com/user/qfa_tsv/media/Aircraft/B747%20400/FinStbd.jpg.html]Image[/url] [/url]

Tother side

[url][URL=http://s183.photobucket.com/user/qfa_tsv/media/Aircraft/B747%20400/FuselagePortrear.jpg.html]Image[/url] [/url]

[url][URL=http://s183.photobucket.com/user/qfa_tsv/media/Aircraft/B747%20400/FuselagePortnose.jpg.html]Image[/url] [/url]

Bit of a close up of the fuselage showing the colour


Now as to the decal sheet, I think you mean Brazil Decals, not Braz, as Ivo is a really nice guy
The unknown Polish fraudster who may be Chris or Gio, or Raffa, or Ahole is Brazil Decals
Some words of caution here, the early Brazil sheets were covered in a very thick clear coat, and not very flexible because of it, I managed to get it off fairly easily after putting the decals on, but I can't imagine doing it with so many decals.
An alternative that may be worth considering is to get someone to do a copy of the Brazil sheet, rather than use it, I doubt there could ever be any attempt by him to hunt you down, and it was not a licensed Qantas product anyway.

Advantages would be you could get a better quality sheet, it's what I am considering doing with my sheets.
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Re: Wunala Dreaming

Postby wombatair » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am

Hi GH,

Can I ask what was OEJ doing in YBTL. 8-)

Lindsay L

Some cheeky crew said they liked flying "City of Redfern" as you didn't have to look at the colour. ;)
But I liked it from both sides. :)
The aeroplane was slightly heavier (empty weight) than its mates. - slight fuel penalty.

I will ask an engineering "mate" if he can find out about the "gold overspray". I think the last job was done in USA.

The first "Dreamer" did its job on its first visit to Japan, when it stole the show from the other Aussie Airline who were presenting their first service to Japan.
Even took the Press away from Concorde arriving. :o
The Locals loved it where ever it flew in or out. Always a camera pointed at it.
I managed to photograph it over its natural environment - "The Outback" when we "formatted" on the way to Singapore/Bangkok one day - he/she was 2000ft below us.
( :shock: I know Wal, but "request due turbulence?" always worked.) :P
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Re: Wunala Dreaming

Postby Graeme H » Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:28 pm

The photos come from Oct 2005 when the YBTL Cowboys were in the Rugby League Grand Final, they kindly sent 2 x 747's and 2 x 767's as extras to normal flights to get some supporters down to YSSY
I managed to have the day off, so went out for a photo shoot knowing Leigh would want this info

I remember going into EGLL on OEJ on a flight from VHHH and looking out the window wondering why there were so many photographers around outside, until the penny dropped
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Re: Wunala Dreaming

Postby F-27pax » Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:20 am

Thanks Graeme for your comments and photos. Ochre looks to be a good explanation for how the aeroplane looks but I'm a week or so away from doing that part of the paint job so if anyone else has any other suggestions... Having looked at a lot more photos of OEJ with ochre in mind I think that might be the way to go to get a realistic appearance even if there is some more exotic explanation.

You're right, it's the Brazil Decals sheet but I didn't think the film was very thick and I was even wondering whether or not I should put another coat of varnish over the top just to be on the safe side. I'll see how it goes when the time comes. I'd also thought of scanning the decals and printing them out just as a backup in case something went wrong with the originals.

I saw neither versions of Wunala Dreaming, at the time they were flying I had no involvement in the aviation industry except for the occasional flight in a 737 and as a subject of historical research. The more I look at Wunala Dreaming the less I like it as a scheme but it is unique and makes a change from the standard kangaroo tail 747, so I will battle on and hope it all turns out well.
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