Warning...contagious 1:32 "disease" now rampant

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Re: Warning...contagious 1:32 "disease" now rampant

Postby tor lives » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:19 pm

Adam the Akrodude wrote:
tor lives wrote:
Adam the Akrodude wrote:Oh the dilemma of choice - a Cub on floats or Tundra tyres??? ARRRGGHHHH!

Why choose??? get one of each.....that's what I do :D

Just bought today a 1/32 Extra 330SC and a early Zlin Trener coz of Damo's post - ARGH! Must be strong, must be strong, must be...........oh so freakin weak!
:lol: (at myself!)


That is KICK ARSE!!! :D...you rock man!!
I am going to be getting me one of those Blue racing Spittys!!
tor lives
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Re: Warning...contagious 1:32 "disease" now rampant

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:42 pm

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My job here is done :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
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Re: Warning...contagious 1:32 "disease" now rampant

Postby F-27pax » Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:49 am

No 1/32 affliction around here. I got inoculated against the scale in 1975 when I bought a Revell 1/32 Fw190D. I was living in a flat in StKilda at the time and the model was just too big for it - and it wasn't a small flat. These days, living in a retirement village, I'm even less likely to get the affliction. I've gone to the opposite extreme in making more and more in 1/144. And that when my eyesight isn't what it used to be. Where's the logic in either scale.

The gliders look nice. I like modern gliders because they are all about streamlining and they look very elegant. In 1/72 scale Jean Pierre Dujin made some very nice little glider kits and I''ve made a couple of them. Since he died they have been very hard to find, however.
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Re: Warning...contagious 1:32 "disease" now rampant

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:53 am


In regard to your St Kilda Dora days, can so relate. I spent a few years living in St Kilda (East) some years ago in a small weatherboard 2 br cottage - one of those little "working man" cottages along the railway line. I only got into the "Gentlemen's Scale" when moving into a larger house after getting hitched. Model storage/display is an issue and I will have to invest in some serious display cabinets and the Great Eric has. My rate of production is pretty low, so have been able to just manage from the storage perspective, but hangar space is now pretty crowded. Had some people around last weekend and they wanted to check out Adam's "man cave". Just lifting my 1/32 F-105 out of the wardrobe/cabinet, I managed to bust off the canopy (hangar rash - argh! :oops: ) - luckily no damage - phew! So, I do really understand the real estate these models take up.

I totally take my hat off to you guys who build 1/144th - I can hardly mange 1/72! Then again, a large 1/144th airliner is much the same size as a 1/32 single prop fighter/racer :) . Real estate issues once again. My 1/32 Pitts S-2B takes up very little space - it's so cute!
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Warning...contagious 1:32 "disease" now rampant

Postby F-27pax » Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:30 pm

Adam, a 1/32 Thunderchief must be a wonderful but huge thing. Tempting... No No! Get thou behind me ...

There are some things that I really like about working in 1/144. They include: no need for detailed cockpits, no need for detailed undercarriage, no need for opened up engine cowlings and exposed engines and guns, no need for all those aftermarket bits and pieces. I guess models in the scale could be quite detailed, but only if you own an electron microscope.

On the other hand... I'm currently working on a 1/144 F-rsin injection molded ATR42 which, I'm guessing, has come out of the dreaded Mach 2 molding machine. Hysterical laughter follows.

You're right about the size of airliners. An A.380 is very big, and things like An-124s, C-5s and 747s aren't much smaller. I'm currently making some 747s that are huge and I think I will move on to some nice little 727s after that.
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