Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

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Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:16 pm

We've all done it. Glued something on wrong, left something off or painted it the wrong colour. Here's a couple of mine;

My famous Seafire with backwards propeller. Unfortunately I looked at the illustration in the paint guide when gluing it on, leading to the mistake. At least one other person on the forums out there has done it.


Now I don't have a picture of the next as the kit is packed away, but I built a two seat P-51B coded '4VF' way back when I was 16 off a profile in the magazine SAM. It's colour was dark blue with a red nose. I cut up a Tamiya kit, put in the Verlinden resin cockpit where the fuel tank and radio would be and all was good. I even won 'Best Intermediate' at Model Expo with it. A year later I was at the War Memorial in Canberra flicking through a book in the gift shop when I saw this picture;



Over to you guys.

Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby oz rb fan » Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:10 pm

this was sort of deliberate,,,,,,well i ran out of Japanese decals

but this wasnt...based on the cover bird from the don thorpe book camouflage and markings of the jaaf.....apparently it didn't exist :o
built before i got married......... :lol:
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Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:11 pm

Is the Frank the old Hasegawa kit? If so, I built that one too.

Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:20 pm

Most disappointing blooper was many years ago when trying to lay down a clear coat on a 1/48 Tamiya SHAR FRS.1 I'd painstakingly put together. Using my father's compressor without a decent water trap, I royally stuffed up the clear paint due to water mixing with the gloss enamel - ARGH! I was so pissed off the SHAR may have reached a "scale" Mach 1 as it hit the wall! :evil: I do remember it was an absolute shite kit.

Perhaps one day I'll have a crack at another SHAR FRS.1 :roll:
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Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby davecana » Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:25 pm

The worst I've done is to use flattening base instead of flat clear. When the base dries, and very quickly to, everything ends up an opaque white colour. One other annoying thing I've done is to bend a wing of a resin Kingair that 1mm to far and snapped it off around the middle aileron hinge point of the wing, while trying to straighten it.
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Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby B_finch » Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:39 pm

While trying to straighten out the fin on a 737 that I am converting to an wedgetail I placed it into what I thought was warmish water. We'll it was to hot and not only warped it, it also melted it.

So it still sits on shelf of doom.
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Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby oz rb fan » Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:35 am

_BlackHawk_ wrote:Is the Frank the old Hasegawa kit? If so, I built that one too.

yep it is.....its meant to be silver if you do it out of box.....but I didnt know about decent silvers back then!!!
oz rb fan
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Re: Show us your best (worst) modeling bloopers.

Postby DesTROYer » Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:50 am

I've had one or two.

The first when I was painting the Abrams kit I did a while back, was painting the overall sand colour, put down the rattel can for a second and then picked it up again. Excpet I didn't. I picked up a can of matt clear and sprayed it on the wet paint already applied. Luckly I saved it, as I had sprayed teh matt onto the back of the tank and the way it reacted, it looked like caked on sand/mud. A bit of weathering and it looks like its meant to be there.

The next was an F/A-18 A, got to keen to paint and painted, again with a rattle can, then noticed there were still some surface details I needed to apply before painting. That plane is now a test bed for new techniques and tools.

Finally, last night after pouring over reference pics for a Boomerang Im building, I noticed I have placed the lower landing gear covers on the out side not the inside of the upper covers. Its not to late to correct, but I do quite like the look so we will see if i care enough.
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