Now this will be fun!!! Well, I think. I ain't never built a 737-200. I built the Minicraft 400 (very nice kit there in my opinion , and my first true passenger carrying airliner build) but this is the first 200 but it should be a pretty easy build, right? I mean, lots to fill in because I'm deleting the window openings, but I have worked on an Airfix airliner (the infamous chameleon BAC 111) so I sort of know what to expect w/ regard to the doors and such.
Just look at it! So shiny and nice! It has all my favorite colors, in different shades, and a glorious quad cheatline. Shiny NMF, not-overstated ridiculous logo/branding, and even some nice grey stuff going on. Some of this might be masking hell but I hope not. I need to get some of that 1mm bendy tape. Also, this one is unique in that each side of the airplane is different. On both the fuselage and fin the airline name is English on one side and Arabic (I guess??) on the other with them alternating. Like on the picture there.... English on the tail, Saudi on the fuselage and the other side is the other way around. Pretty unique I think!
I have one question. I want to put something on the decals before I try to use them to keep them from shattering. They are quite old and I just tried using some similar (same company and era, ATP) and they flew into billions of little pieces. What is the best stuff to use? I don't have an airbrush so whatever is needs to brush on or come in aerosol.