At this stage, it's looking pretty iffy to have my one entry ready in time. I've been slowly working on my little He-162 "Spatz". This was supposed to be a nice easy slap it together build to help get my mojo back. I though am incapable of just simply throwing together a model quickly it seems. March was sunk with me being largely away for work, April was catch up with work as I had been travelling, Half of May was torpedoed with my wife being o/s seeing her family and me looking after the billy lids, so no time to model - AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!
My only hope is to take time off work this week to see if I can finish it in time. I must have upset the "Gods of Expo" as issue after issue is being thrown in my path as some kind of galactic conspiracy conceived to ensure I don't have but one entry ready! That brutally cold week two weeks ago appears to have driven some little furry critters into our home. One appears to have died in the heating duct as when we turn on the heating, a really really bad smell fills the house - fan-fecking-tastic! Pest controller visit last week to put bait in the roof. Yesterday I was on the roof re-mortaring some tiles that had come loose allowing those little furry feckers to get in! And to top it off, I have a house full of half frozen females bitching about how cold it is without the heating! My office oil heater has been moved into one of my kids room so she can at least study. The rest of us huddle around the open fire.
So that's some of the fantastically boring shit I've been dealing with of recent. I'll post daily pic's of any progress on my Spatz - one or two all nighters may need to happen! If I finish in time, my model will be permeating paint fumes at Expo! I should add that each of those fuel/oil lines on that BMW engine I'm adding detail to takes fecking ages to get right - WTF am I doing!!!!!
DSCN1345 by
Adam Dormer, on Flickr