I gave in to temptation and bought the two F-Rsin plastic 1/144 F-28s. If things go according to plan one will be a MMA -1000 and the other an Airlines of WA -4000. That is some way off yet, however.
I have an Authentic Airliners F-28-4000 and the F-Rsin kit compares favourably with it. The resin kit is slightly better but there is a hell of a lot of difference between paying $30 for a kit and paying $70, so the F-Rsin kit is preferable from that point of view alone.
The kit goes together as well as we've come to expect from F-rsin, which means there is a fair amount of tidying up and filling and sanding to do. But far from impossible.
I have a question for those who might know about this kind of thing. What colour would you use for the light grey on F-28s? The kit just says 'light grey' and the Hawkeye decals instructions says FS16640. However, I'm not convinced, Light Gull Grey is often given as the appropriate colour for a lot of airliners and that usually ain't so. Any suggestions?
More progress as it comes to hand.