DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

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DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby DesTROYer » Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:28 pm

If I am honest, at times I have felt my quality slipping a little this year. My seams are not as good as they should be. I'm not picking out flaws in the builds or paint work until way late in the builds, my paint has been going on thicker than I like and sanding is still my bane. Still, I still like what I have turned out, and the flaws are what inspire me to do better next time.

First out of the box for 2016 was a commission build for an ex-RAAF C-130E and H pilot. Sorry Paul only crew seats in this one.
As this was my second go at the Academy 1/72 Here, I knew what mistakes I made last time and was determined not to repeat them. Rear door closed this time and less feathering on the paint edges. The Client was wrapped with the result.

Next up was some RAAC goodness, The 1/35 Bushmaster by the now gone Showcase Models.
A fun build with some aftermarket lives sourced from here and there.

I knew the theme for the 2016 Wings Model Show was going to be RAN/FAA, so I knew what I wanted to build for it. The Classic Airframes Fairey Gannet. I never even knew the plane existed until the first time I went to the Museum a few years ago and when I saw it, I knew I wanted to build it.
I have since replaced the tail hook with brass rod, and its one of my favourite pieces in my collection.

Then back to the RAAC, this time the theatre is Vietnam. When I went to the AWM two years back, they had/have a Centurion tank sitting outside and man is it impressive. On the way home from Canberra, I found two more, so it kind of was a sign that i would have to have one before too long too.
It's an awesome addition to my RAAC cabinet and I look forward to adding some APC's and a Leopard to it next year.

It was then time to get back into the air with a 3 Squadron Mustang III in Italy. Fun build and my first from Tamiya I think. Fell together.

Then off to the Pacific Theatre with a Tamiya Mk.21 Beaufighter. I loved this build too. Tamiya released another winner kit here IMO. I tried some new painting techniques on this one and I think they paid off.

Now this build I think of one of my failures for the year. The Kitty Hawk F-35A. Masking all of the panels and raised details was a chore and I'll admit, I took short cuts that stuffed me up. Paint went on in multiple coats and ended up going way too thick. The way the light plays off the real thing shows things you won't see from other angles and paint demarcation lines gave me head spins trying to work out.
If you stand back and don't look too close, it looks alright in the cabinet.

Last completed build of the year, and that can be challenged as I still have things I want to do with her. Centerline tank, and RBF tags being two.
Tamiya's 1/32 F-4E Phantom II My first 1/32 build if you exclude the Battlestar Galactica builds (i do)

I hope to get this one finished this year, but only time will tell as my body is conspiring against me. The Italleri 1/72 Spartan.
I have let myself down with my seam filling and sanding around the cockpit, and to my shame I didn't really notice how bad until I took it outside in bright sunlight for some photos.

Only one kit currently resides on the shelf of doom. It stalled when I was told the engines weren't correct and I had to order a set from the former USSR. They have arrived, but I have not restarted.

Thats it for 2016 I hope everybody has a great Holiday period and Santa comes to visit.
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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby Wedgetail » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:17 pm

I'm not seeing your problems you're talking about Troy. All your builds look great to me and honestly it's not worth the angst beating yourself up over the little things mate, life's too short.
Hopefully your Christmas will see a steady return to good health and be a great time for you with the family and good friends.
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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:26 pm

Awesome work there Troy. A bit of "self critique" is fine, so long as it doesn't get you down. Sir, you are pumping 'em out and now doubt improving your skills along the way. I'm sure we all agree with the fact we all love seeing your work! Keep on doin' that voodoo that you do so well!

Cheers and have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby Ansett A330 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:03 pm

Wedgetail wrote:I'm not seeing your problems you're talking about Troy. All your builds look great to me and honestly it's not worth the angst beating yourself up over the little things mate, life's too short.
Hopefully your Christmas will see a steady return to good health and be a great time for you with the family and good friends.

Ditto. Well said/written Wayne.

It is refreshing to see someone with such terrific skills so humble about their great work.

Hope your health holds up and look forward to what you produce in 2017.
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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby RayS » Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:38 am

Nice variety of builds Troy. I also think your quality is good and getting better with each model. Looking forward to seeing your haul next year!
Last edited by RayS on Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby DesTROYer » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:30 am

Thanks everyone. The photos I choose help hide the flaws but I understand what you mean.

Have a gtreat Christmas and holidays everyone. Not long now until the jolly fat man arrives.
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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby DesTROYer » Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:58 pm

One more done for 2016.I'll take some better shots when it isn't so dark outside and not threatening to rain. As it was my neighbours kept coming over to see how I was doing as I was trying to take these. With the wash on, Matt coat applied and masks removed, the Spartan is done, well until I can find some suitable windscreen wipers to fit.

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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby VH-WAL » Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:50 pm

nice collection there.. I dont do tanks or armour, that must be a completely different skill set, hoping health issues arent too serious

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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby DesTROYer » Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:26 pm

Skill sets are the same Wal, just less seams and more dirt.
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Re: DesTROYer's 2016 Flightline Additions

Postby DesTROYer » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:07 pm

The sun is glorious out there today, So I thought I'd take the opportunity to take some more photos outdoors, this time using my old Pentax Digital SLR. I wanted to and still intend to go out and take more, but even with a hat on, the sun was starting to take its toll and the A/C was calling from indoors. Here is a selection of photos from the four planes I did shoot.

Tamiya 1/32 F-4E Phantom

Italeri 1/72 C-27J Spartan

Tamiya 1/48 Beaufighter Mk.21

Tamiya 1/48 P-51 Mustang III
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