Supposing that one had run out of Boeing 727s to make and was contemplating making a handful of Boeing 707s, a couple or three questions come to mind which experts might be able to help one with.
One of these 707s might be the Qantas 707-138 using Hawkeye decals. This involves reducing the fuselage and making some dramatic changes to the wings. It occurs to me that the wings of a 720 might do the job and comparing the Welsh Model 720 wings with the Minicraft 707-320 wings this looks like a seriously pain reducing solution. True, there would be pain to one's pocket, but I think I could cope with it. Any comments?
Supposing also, that one had the Southern Skies decals to make a RAAF 707-320, one would also need to have the under-wing refueling pods. Any suggestions about where these might be found?
The JT3D engines in the Minicraft kits are perfectly underwhelming. Do you have any preferences for replacement? This reminds me to comment that I have a set of JT3C engines that I picked up on eBay many years back for the 707-138, just in case the urges that are now upon me made their acquisition necessary.