Coming in the new year

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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby tor lives » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:04 pm

OK A/ preparation for the A/CAM site move to a new host, and consequently its biggest make-over since we launched, I now need your input.
A/Firstly, can you tell me what technical problems you have been experiencing in recent months, including details of sign-in problems, photo-up load issues or anything else. I need details though, so the new site host can get their tech support to have a look at things.
B/Please have a look at all tabs on the homepage and tell me your thoughts on what should stay and what should go.
C/Have a look through all the forums and, once again, let me know what you think we should keep and what we should flick.
D/Let me know what else you would like to see on/with A/CAM in the future.
This is your chance to influence and effect how our site will evolve and improve into the future. The site changeover and improvements will cost me a bit, so let's make it money well-spent.
Over to you guys.
tor lives
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:15 pm

Ban Damo. That is all :P
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby Graeme H » Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:36 am

For me, the main problem is it's slow to load, sometimes it won't even do that, also most annoyingly I can only do one thing at a time, then it times out, it does this continually.
All this at the same time I can use other sites no problem. Does this with IE7 and Chrome
Still only have Broadband, NBN due in next 6 months, if it doesn't get deferred yet again, although this time I have the box and connection all the way to the house.
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby tor lives » Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:40 am

Graeme H wrote:For me, the main problem is it's slow to load, sometimes it won't even do that, also most annoyingly I can only do one thing at a time, then it times out, it does this continually.
All this at the same time I can use other sites no problem. Does this with IE7 and Chrome
Still only have Broadband, NBN due in next 6 months, if it doesn't get deferred yet again, although this time I have the box and connection all the way to the house.

Thanks Graeme, good input.
When did you first start to notice these anomalies???
tor lives
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby oz rb fan » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:28 am

Other than the outages, and as greame says slow to load, its generally been ok(I use opera as my main browser)...I havent tried uploading pics tomthe site as I use photo bucket for pics,
are outages are bloody frustrating when your in the middle of doing something.
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby hrtpaul » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:23 pm

A/ I don't really have any dramas with the site apart from the outages. I log straight on to the forum itself instead of going through the homepage and it load's up very fast. It's a bit of a pain to load photos on the site but then that's a problem with most forums. I've now got my Photobucket sorted so it's not too bad to load pics. Not a biggy though IMHO

B/ Personally I don't use the homepage at all. I did just try to get on the forum through the homepage and it does seem very slow.

C/ To me, the following tabs don't seem to be used that much :- Suggestion Box, Introductions, Aero-tech Talk, and Captains Brief. The Sponsor's Spot, even though not used at the moment probably should stay for a bit longer just in case. I guess it's easier to take tabs away than it is to add them.

D/ Ban Damo

Those having speed issues getting on the forum, try this link that goes directly to the fourm
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:51 pm

hrtpaul wrote:D/ Ban Damo

Who's this "Damo" character you keep going on about?
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby hrtpaul » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:45 pm

Cap'n Wannabe wrote:
hrtpaul wrote:D/ Ban Damo

Who's this "Damo" character you keep going on about?

It's ok mate. He's just some flog that is on here every now and then :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :twisted:
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby Graeme H » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:11 am

Ray, not sure when they first became a norm, but quite a while ago, and it happened across my former work laptop, which I no longer have, my tablet, as well as my desktop, once across a Library desktop.

Like Paul I go straight to the forums page, look at a topic, then enter a reply, but when I hit reply it times out, or sometimes I can do one ok, but when I try to do a second topic, it again times out.
I have in the past rebooted the computer all to no avail, find I can then get back after a few hours away from the site though.
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby tor lives » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:27 am

Graeme H wrote:Ray, not sure when they first became a norm, but quite a while ago, and it happened across my former work laptop, which I no longer have, my tablet, as well as my desktop, once across a Library desktop.

Like Paul I go straight to the forums page, look at a topic, then enter a reply, but when I hit reply it times out, or sometimes I can do one ok, but when I try to do a second topic, it again times out.
I have in the past rebooted the computer all to no avail, find I can then get back after a few hours away from the site though.

Thanks for that update Graeme.....I did not realise you were experiencing tech difficulties to this extent. And you are not the only one apparently. Even the site administrators Adam and Andrew are now regularly experiencing issues, which makes their job quiet difficult. I think all these problems can be traced back to when my current provider/host moved this site, (and all their other sites) to the "cloud". The sooner I change host and have the site technically "re-jigged " the better off we will all it stands these tech issues are a real deterrent to potential new members, (not to mention long-term, loyal existing ones).
tor lives
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