Star Wars movie

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Star Wars movie

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:34 am

Personally, I can't wait to see this movie! Anyone seen it yet? I'm guessing wild horses could not keep Troy away!

Living with a bunch of females who just don't get Star Wars can be frustrating at times. When I said to my eldest girl how disappointed I am as a father that my girls just don't get it, my eldest said "May the Force push you away!". This left me in fits of laughter of course. I may have some hope with my youngest daughter - her Barbies cruise in pretty cool cars, she likes aeroplanes and likes R2D2 & C3P0 - the Force is a tiny bit present in her at least! For the sake of humanity, I must succeed in getting at least one of my offspring to get Star Wars!

Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Star Wars movie

Postby hrtpaul » Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:03 pm

Me and my dearest are going to see it tomorrow night. And Di likes Star Wars so she's definitely a keeper. She even approved (not that that would've stopped me) a model of the ANA R2D2 787 ;) Adam you seriously need to step up your game man. From experience it's not that hard to brain wash the girls. For example Di now likes going to the Summernats, loves burnouts and doesn't mind cars. Hayley my 13yo step chicky builds the odd model, points out Toranas and other cool cars and likes attending the odd carshow as well. And all this work was done in little over 5 years time. Cmon mate pull your bloody finger out :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: Star Wars movie

Postby Tony P » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:21 pm

It's a cracker. Adam your girls would like it.
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Re: Star Wars movie

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:34 pm

hrtpaul wrote:Me and my dearest are going to see it tomorrow night. And Di likes Star Wars so she's definitely a keeper. She even approved (not that that would've stopped me) a model of the ANA R2D2 787 ;) Adam you seriously need to step up your game man. From experience it's not that hard to brain wash the girls. For example Di now likes going to the Summernats, loves burnouts and doesn't mind cars. Hayley my 13yo step chicky builds the odd model, points out Toranas and other cool cars and likes attending the odd carshow as well. And all this work was done in little over 5 years time. Cmon mate pull your bloody finger out :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

The Force is very strong with my females! I cannot use standard Jedi mind control techniques on them - females are mostly impervious to this - unless major treats are in the offering! In fairness to my wife, she does and has to put up with a lot of my aviation obsession over the years - aeroplane prints on the walls in the house (2 x F-105, 1 x X-15, plus I have a Neil Armstrong on the moon print), book case full of aviation books, aviation books falling off my bedside table. She's suffered over the years as a "weekend aviation widow" at times with me ducking off to Moorabbin, or further afield going to akro competitions or practice field days, etc. I even took her up in the Pitts once - she'll never do that again! Every time someone kills themselves in a little aerobatic plane, I end up having to explain what I know about how it possibly happened and why this would not happen to me ( :roll: ) , so really she is pretty amazing and super understanding of my obsession overall. I have to be careful not to ram this down all their throats too much. Selling my share in the Laser really hurt (more so now), but at least gives the family a break from me disappearing for a day on the weekend - not that I did this every weekend. Pulling off explaining to the wife why I really needed to buy a share in a Laser years ago was by out and far my greatest negotiating achievement - perhaps my Jedi mind control technique actually worked that night! :D I fear my eldest and middle girl are too far gone towards the "Dark Side", but I have some hope for my youngest - she even has a Scalectrix set - c/w a green Camaro and a burnt orange Challenger! When we play, I always hog the Challenger!
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