by tor lives » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:32 pm
Alright guys......just gotta tell ya, I am at my wits end and absolutely feed up with the on-going technical issues and unreliability plaguing this bloody site. For six or seven weeks now I have been wrestling behind the scenes with the site hosts and developers to just FIX the dam problems that have continuely occured since the site was migrated to a cloud-based host, but, as some here will know, we continue to experience technical issues almost daily. Last night the site totally collapsed once again, and I have now spent hours with the site hosts, (yet again), just trying to get it up and running once more. Without putting to fine a point on it, I spend a lot of money on the upkeep and maintenance of this site, but if I can't get the technical robustness and reliability I feel I am paying for, and indeed you guys, as loyal A/CAM members deserve, than I don't see the sense in continuing on this way. I am currently reviewing our options and potential alternatives from an IT perspective.