Postcard from Oshkosh..

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Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby VH-WAL » Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:15 pm

Image170A9767s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A9760s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A9753s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A9737s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A9734s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A0165s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A0099c by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Image170A0514s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

Image170A0444s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

Image170A0437s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

Image170A0358s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

Image170A0312s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

Image170A0289s by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

grr my laptop is really slow, fed up with pasting pics here takes too long... time for breakfast and more airshow (and alas more grinding american hoo hah) keep checking my flickr for updates

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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby hrtpaul » Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:34 pm

Bloody lovely Wally :)
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby VH-WAL » Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:16 pm

Imagehun4 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagemit1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagemit2 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagemus1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagepair1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagepriv1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagetig1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imageav1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagecor1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
ImageF35 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
F-35 truely stealthy bloody near impossible to focus on! F-22 same same
ImageF221 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
ImageF225 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
ImageF226 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagehun2 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr

check out my Flickr for more
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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:11 pm

Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:28 pm

Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby hrtpaul » Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:39 pm

That F-100 is HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby tor lives » Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:11 pm

So is it everything we said it would be Wal????
And how is the weather??
PS: Simply outstanding photos of some spectacular aircraft
tor lives
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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:01 am

Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby VH-WAL » Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:00 pm

oh yeah, very good, every day is different so you don't get bored with too much of the same stuff happening. I bought a VHF scanner at the show and this has improved the experience for me by 100%, as an ex-ATC I find it highly entertaining to hear what is going during all the insane arrival sequences.

I am fed up to the back teeth with the American Hoo Ha, you can hear all the non - US show attendees teeth grinding over the noise of the extremely irritating WWF or boxing match style commentary.

If I see another Extra or whatever extreme aerobatic performance I will superglue my eyelids shut! Sorry acrodude and other lovers of this sport, I do acknowledge the great skill required but for this little black duck it is very boring, I far prefer the conventional aerobatic routines of "standard" aircraft ..Mentors, T6s (Aeroshell were outstanding- seriously the Roulettes ought to replace the PC-9s with T-6s!) I guess I understand what is going on with conventional aerobatics, but the hot dogging stuff is just like what Jazz music is to my ears!

Weather so far has been ace, 2 full days left then weeks of photograph selection, culling, enhancing, sorting.
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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:31 pm

Hey Wally

Generally speaking, I'd have to agree with you. It's very hard for these little aeroplanes to compete capturing the air show audience - so small, not as much noise (unless it's a little Pitts S-1S with the prop tips going supersonic!), so they tend to go for "extreme" stuff with often little margin for error (in USA I'm mainly referring to here). I'm the first to agree that pure competition aerobatics is pretty boring to watch - right up there with dressage horse eventing. It's a very anal kind of thing. That's why it's not been televised here since the Phillips Cup back in the 80's - once and only time it appeared on TV. Ratings must have been terrible, but I was glued to the TV! It was this that drove me to do competition aerobatics.

Small aerobatic routines could be made more interesting I think. If the routine is kept tight and uses the vertical more. How about seeing a rolling vertical loop for instance or perhaps a inside then outside rolling circles as well (horizontal turns with each 90 degrees of turn incorporating a roll). I get pretty bored seeing endless snap rolls on the down line (rather dangerous this two), inverted ribbon cuts at almost naught feet, knife edge passes at naught feet - it's not a matter of if but when these performers kill themselves.

I would enjoy seeing some proper Aresti aerobatics at air shows, but because it's pretty boring for the spectator these days, I'd be one of the very few in the audience that appreciates it. Air show stunting is nothing like the stuff I've been into - competition Aresti style aerobatics. There is a big difference.

So, bring on the warbirds are jets zooming by making heaps of noise - LOVE IT! Best jet aerobatics I've ever seen was the F-22 demo at Avalon two years ago. There is only one F-22 display pilot in the world.
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby VH-WAL » Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:57 pm

more up
Imagep51pair by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imageoc1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imaget63 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imaget62 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagepig1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagepanc1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagemoz15fine by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagecb2 - Copy by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagecb1 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imagelanc3 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Imageharr2 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
Posts: 1070
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Re: Postcard from Oshkosh..

Postby hrtpaul » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:21 pm

Very nice pics Wally. Thanks for sharing :)
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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