Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

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Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:21 pm

Since a few of us might not be familiar with entering a model at Expo, I thought some useful tips from someone who's been judging for 15 years might come in handy.

* Always include the kit instruction sheet. If you have used any details sets that have instructions, include those too.

* Be concise with reference material. If your model is out of the box then the instructions will be fine. If you have changed the colour scheme from that supplied in the box, include the decal sheet reference too. If you've modeled and aircraft off a picture, supply those pictures with a note on the markings ie; markings from spares box, or painted on, whatever that may be. Don't leave whole books with 30 tabs in it, because judges won't have the time to look through it all. It's always an idea to include a little justification on the colours used if the picture is black and white.

* If you have done any modifications or added any parts, leave a note in your reference.

* Use dot points when explaining the above ie; photoetch seat belts added or quick boost exhausts used or even; painted in IJA Green as most fighters of this period were most likely to be. Don't write paragraphs, there is not time to read it.

* Be aware that your model might be picked up, especially if you make the first cut. If you like your kit to be picked up in a certain way, leave a note. If you'd like it not picked up, leave a note, but it would be nice to put a mirror under it so the judges can see underneath. I do this often.

* Check your leading and trailing edges of your model. I knock out more models for construction problems in these areas than another other single reason.

* Make sure your undercarriage is aligned properly. This is another point that knocks models out of the first cut eaisly.

* Take as much time on the lower surface construction as the top surface joints. You'd be surprised how many models you pick up only to see a massive panel line down the center of the fuselage.

Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby tor lives » Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:51 pm

This is EXCELLENT stuff Brad!!!.....thank you for posting for the benefit of the A/CAM membership.
Your time, effort, and result here is much appreciated.
tor lives
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Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby hrtpaul » Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:17 pm

Awesome Brad. I was only thinking today about asking a few questions for this very information. I don't enter to win anything, just to participate and learn. This does really help young fella. thanks bud :)
Last edited by hrtpaul on Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby B_finch » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:44 pm

Thanks Brad, this helps a lot,
what happens if you don't have the instructions anymore? Will a internet copy of them suffice.

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Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:46 pm

Yeh an internet or photocopy is fine. Just so long as it's readable.

Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby davecana » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:47 pm

So really, the title of this thread should be 'How to Ace judging, by Ace'.
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Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:39 pm

davecana wrote:So really, the title of this thread should be 'How to Ace judging, by Ace'.

No...that will cost you 100 bucks. :lol:

Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby Nillus » Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:32 am

Thanks for the tips Blackhawk.
Not that I have or ever will enter anything in anything, but it's good to know the 'Gold Standard'.
...why "Ace" ?
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Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:53 am

Very good and timely post Brad. The leading/trailing edge issue has caught me out in the past, plus things like a loose horizontal stab (F-105). I've learnt that bringing some super glue is a good idea, just in case anything comes adrift in transport to the show. The bigger the model, the more complex the transport issue I've discovered. I've also seen models displayed at Expo with dust on them. Always a good idea to ensure the model is nice and clean. This is all pretty basic stuff and more a trap for young players though.

I've tried to make it easy for judges with concise and accurate references - what if anything I've added to the standard kit and why (detail added supported with photo references), what paint scheme if different from the standard offering in the kit - supported by any photo references as well. I've tried to put myself in the judges shoes and present what I think needs to be presented in a quick and easy to read and digest format - not volumes of references they simply do not have time to go through, as Brad points out above.
Last edited by Adam the Akrodude on Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tips for entering your model at Model Expo....

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:56 am

Salty wrote:...why "Ace" ?

Do you want to tell him Ace....or should I :D
tor lives
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