"Trench Art" Lockheed Hudson 4 Sale

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"Trench Art" Lockheed Hudson 4 Sale

Postby VH-WAL » Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:36 pm

Hi Guys,

I had an extensive collection of about 30 various unique trench art models, I sold most off several years ago keeping only my 2 favourites. One of my favourites was this Hudson which I bought in the blink of an eye (after a little haggle) when I saw it on an antique fair table in Canberra around 2001. I have no room for this item, it lives unseen in a drawer even though it was my second favourite... the aeroplane is nicely modelled around 1/100 ish I am guessing, the chrome is in great shape and the propellers are intact (this is a rare thing). I was about to put it on ebay but I recalled that there were some collectors here in our favourite modelling sites so I will give you a chance to buy this at the price I haggled it done to all those years ago $140 plus post.

Here it is with my favourite, I am keeping the Comet, it is fortunate my missus likes it and it lives on a shelf in the lounge room! (lucky thing)
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