Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby tor lives » Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:35 pm

_BlackHawk_ wrote:
tor lives wrote:
Capt NG wrote:Yeah.. Your right. It's so easy anyone could do it, just ask salty. :D hahaha..

Yeah...might just throw Brad in the 738 Sim for a few minutes and see how he goes :D

Do you want to see an airliner break the sound barrier?

it's been done...Boeing 747SP, DC-8 etc etc
tor lives
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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby Capt NG » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:56 pm

Silk air 737-300, PSA Bae 146..
It's hard for me to get used to these changing times... I remember when the air was clean and the sex was dirty..
Capt NG
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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby Nillus » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:24 pm

Yeh it's a piece of cake, Blackhawk.

That's why everyone has a 767/747/A380 endorsed Command Airline Transport Pilot Licence in their back pocket.
They fly themselves.

I have also played Forza Motorsport 5, Gran Turismo 6, F1 2011 and WRC2.
I'm ready for the F1 race next year in Melbourne.
Those overpaid puntz hacks Vettel, Ricciardo, Hamilton & Alonso better watch out.
I'm an ace driver.
I know it and I tell everyone I know on the forums that it's a piece of cake coz I did it on the track.
On the PC.
Funny. Mostly folks don't respond too much to my posts.
They must have heard how good I am.
Piece of cake says I.
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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby Capt NG » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:55 pm

So many judgments. So few qualified statements... I remember on another forum about 12 months ago my airline getting lambasted by an individual that had apparently sat in the jump seat of a 737NG.. Gee... Such real world experience.
Last edited by Capt NG on Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's hard for me to get used to these changing times... I remember when the air was clean and the sex was dirty..
Capt NG
Posts: 354
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:23 am

Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby Nillus » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:05 pm

Yeh agree Stu...
Just watching the pro surfers at Bells Beach.
Piece of cake mate.
Just a bloke on a glorified boogie board.

When I get back home, I'm off to Manly mate and get me some wave time.
Stupid dope smoking surfie dudes have NO idea how easy all that world champion surfing rubbish is.
I'll be world champ in NO time.
Piece of cake.
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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby Capt NG » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:24 pm

Give me a bell.. I'm up for coffee after Sunday.. I think it's easy for people to see the ease in the manual manipulation of an autopilot....... you know.. When you sit in the left seat of an airliner and the realisation is that the buck stops with YOU... Then it's a different ball game... I remember my first flight as a Captain... I was used to looking to my left if there was ever a problem.. But when I was sitting in the left seat I looked left and saw nothing but a window pane..
It's hard for me to get used to these changing times... I remember when the air was clean and the sex was dirty..
Capt NG
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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby Knotty » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:25 pm

Brad , guys like Stu and Salty have it ,........... I didn't .....and that's why I just pump the fuel into the jets they fly. I take my hat off to these blokes . It takes a lot of bloody hard work and brains to get to their level .Unless your in the industry , you really have no idea of what goes on .
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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:32 pm

Don't worry, I've played enough IL-2 Shturmovik to know what I'm doing.

Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby B_finch » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:39 pm

Knotty wrote:Brad , guys like Stu and Salty have it ,........... I didn't .....and that's why I just pump the fuel into the jets they fly. I take my hat off to these blokes . It takes a lot of bloody hard work and brains to get to their level .Unless your in the industry , you really have no idea of what goes on .

Same reason why I fix them.

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Re: Boeing 777 approach into Sydney

Postby tor lives » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:43 pm

Knotty wrote:Brad , guys like Stu and Salty have it ,........... I didn't .....and that's why I just pump the fuel into the jets they fly. I take my hat off to these blokes . It takes a lot of bloody hard work and brains to get to their level .Unless your in the industry , you really have no idea of what goes on .

Absolutely agree Knotty!!!.... guys like Salty and Stu have been moving me around the stratosphere at the speed of a cruise missile and getting my arse home safely for some thirty years now, and for that they will always have my admiration, gratitude, and respect. What theses guys do is pretty special, and you can take that from someone who has had the privilege of watching it up close and personal for three decades now. To quote "Andy" from another site..."if it were that easy everyone would be doing it". Guess what Brad... not everyone is doing it mate!!!
tor lives
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