I know that you all might be thinking not another model of the Airnorth DC-3 VH-MMA. but the story behind this model was that it was built by a well known modeller in Oz Phil Keene in the early 80s to my personnel knownlegde as my father David Cooper was the Chief Pilot and Operation Manager for Airnorth from the start of the company with John hart. The Model was displayed in the reception area of the main office in a glass display case.
Here are a few pictures of the model done by Phil Keene and some of my father photos of VH-MMA during it change in liverys.
This picture show the correct anti glare on the DC-3 and it is the same shape as it was when the DC-3 serviced with the US armed force. I will find the correct information soon.
DC-3 VH-CAN also apart of the Airnorth fleet.
There is VH-MMA in different liveries and one with a Cessna 310R flying over Darwin and a rampy.
and the colourful palm tree
DC-3 and Cessna 310R over Darwin and a rampy.