ATTN All A/CAM Members: The way forward for A/CAM

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ATTN All A/CAM Members: The way forward for A/CAM

Postby tor lives » Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:23 pm

Hi all,
It will come as no surprise to many of you that, for some time now, I felt that the A/CAM Site was in decline, and that it is now on "life support", with its fate effectively sealed.
Many contributing factors seemed to anecdotally indicate this, including the exponential rise of Social Media specialist modelling pages, (including our own), that have not just overtaken traditional model sites like ours in popularity, but have effectively sent them almost into extinction....the unfortunate loss of AMI being a good example of of what I am talking about here.
So, after much consideration and soul-searching, I have decided on the way forward and future direction for the A/CAM Site.
After weighing-up the pros and cons, I have decided that, despite my better judgement, I am going to keep A/CAM running as a going concern.
It is now my intention to have the Site completely redesigned and refreshed.....this will include a simplification of the Site, where all superfluous rubbish and historic "baggage' is removed, and only the Links page and this forum is kept active. I also intend to source new financial sponsorship so that the cost of running the Site is subsidised, (and thereby becomes less of a monthly financial burden).
Other things I intend to commit to is regular, active, and more visible management of, and contribution to the Site, (I know sometimes that I, as Site owner, can appear to be "lost in action" for extended periods of time.....and, for that, you have my unreserved apologies. Know that I am always here behind the scenes though, making sure that the Site actually stays up and running).
From next year I intend to re-boot the Australian Model Expo annual themed Club Model Displays, (expect more info on what that will look like in the coming weeks). A/CAM will also continue its sponsorship of "our" two model competition categories as usual.
In the running and continued exitance of the A/CAM Site, I now consider you guys and myself in a "partnership". To that end, there are some things I need from all of you, the loyal A/CAM membership. In the coming weeks and months I will be looking to appoint a fresh "Site Admin" team.....when that request goes out, please consider it.
I also need you all to step-up your Site active participation, (potential Sponsors will be looking for this).....this means following through with things such as Group Builds and Challenge Builds.
I know we all have busy lives, but if we want A/CAM to survive, proposer, and evolve, we all have to do our bit.
Finally folks, I just want to publicly thank our loyal, long-term A/CAM members who have stuck by this Site through thick and thin. We are nearly a decade old, and your commitment and loyalty to A/CAM has never wavered for a moment. All I can say to the likes of Paul, Ray.S, Leigh, Adam, Damo , Brad and all you other "usual suspects" is THANK YOU.....know that YOU are the reason I'm keeping A/CAM going.
tor lives
Posts: 4270
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:01 am

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