Just a "heads Up" everyone

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Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby tor lives » Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:19 pm

Due to my recent change in employment, and new role with V/Line, its looking like Model Expo is not going to be an option for me this year.
If that's the case, I will be cancelling our planned A/CAM Model Expo Club Display for 2023.
A/CAM will however continue to sponsor our two "usual" model competition categories.
I will confirm the cancellation of our Club Display as the Model Expo dates draw nearer.
tor lives
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby BradG » Sat Feb 25, 2023 11:56 pm

Since the last few displays have been cancelled, perhaps in future someone might volunteer to be assistant display coordinator for you, as a back up for drop off of models for people who can't make it and set up/pack up back up.
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby tor lives » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:42 am

BradG wrote:Since the last few displays have been cancelled, perhaps in future someone might volunteer to be assistant display coordinator for you, as a back up for drop off of models for people who can't make it and set up/pack up back up.

I'm just not convinced the A/CAM display is worth the effort moving forward.
Its original intent was to increase A/CAM visibility, cement the A/CAM brand in the mind of the modeller, increase A/CAM membership etc. ........but none of these things are really relevant now.
tor lives
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby erussell » Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:56 pm

tor lives wrote: I'm just not convinced the A/CAM display is worth the effort moving forward. Its original intent was to (1) increase A/CAM visibility, (2) cement the A/CAM brand in the mind of the modeller, (3) increase A/CAM membership etc. ........but none of these things are really relevant now.

I would say you are doing 1 and 2 okay. Certainly increases visibility, dunno about "cement" but more people know what ACAM is. I think 3 has not happened. There are more civil modellers on the Faecbook group but they are more weirdo than most modellers and a fair bit is advertising. Why do you say they are not relevant "now"?
Displays and sponsorship are all most welcome at Expo.
Ed Russell @ Red Roo Models
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby tor lives » Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:25 pm

erussell wrote:
tor lives wrote: I'm just not convinced the A/CAM display is worth the effort moving forward. Its original intent was to (1) increase A/CAM visibility, (2) cement the A/CAM brand in the mind of the modeller, (3) increase A/CAM membership etc. ........but none of these things are really relevant now.

Why do you say they are not relevant "now"?

Because, quiet frankly Ed, this site is in its dying days.
tor lives
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby hrtpaul » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:24 pm

tor lives wrote:Because, quiet frankly Ed, this site is in its dying days.

Bummer bout this years display but I guess it does give me more time to maybe get an additional model or 2 ready. I hate to admit it but I have to agree with Brad about additional peeps helping to organise the display etc. Every year that there's no ACAM display is less exposure the punters get to ACAM and that's not a good thing. So maybe give this year a miss and lets get shit sorted for next year. I'll put my hand up to help out. Now for my rant. Heads up, I'm gonna be blunt AF as usual. If it's that dire a situation then close the bloody site. I've been a staunch supporter of this site since the beginning and love having it available but even I am tiring of the 6 monthly (or whatever it is) "not sure the site is worth it anymore" bullshit. I log in at least once a day normally, sometimes more. My modelling has fallen off a cliff recently but that doesn't mean I've lost interest. Shit just happens. If it wasn't for this site and a lot of the peeps here, then for starters the civvy category wouldn't even be a thing and the airliner category wouldn't be so well populated every year at expo. I call bullshit that people don't know who ACAM is. Thems the facts right there. So the Facebook page has a shit ton of people on it. Who gives a shit? Sure it'd be great to have everyone there on here but that's not how it works. I and others have mentioned this on many occasions. I also get the expense involved in running this site but once again, many people have offered to contribute to the running costs of the site. I'm not rocket scientist but that tells me that peeps give a shit about the site and see the value in it without all the bullshit that goes along with bigger sites. As I said it's not rocket science. I'm really having trouble finding new and creative ways to write this same rant everytime. End of thought.
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby BradG » Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:34 pm

No reason ACAM cannot put on at least a 1 table display this year.

Get a coloured disposable plastic table cloth for like 2 bucks from the local Chinese cheap shop. Same shop probably sells big white letters, get them for 'ACAM' so they stand up and out on the table. Design and print 'Airliner Civil Aircraft Modeller for both the edge of the table and to sit under the ACAM letters. You need about 15 medium size models to make a table, a breif description of what it is, where it was used, scale and make. Laminte that and double sided tape it down to the table cloth. Print out some cards with the ACAM facebook and website URL on it for people to take, apply models to table, done.

I did this myself for Wings a few years back. Surely a few of us can do this.

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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby tor lives » Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:25 pm

There is nothing stopping any one of you from mounting your own display at Model Expo.....all you have to do is book a table.
You do not need A/CAM to be the vehicle for a club display every year.
IF I have the motivation, drive, resources, and general mojo to continue with A/CAM club displays moving forward I will advise.....but in the meantime feel free to put on your own displays.
tor lives
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby erussell » Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:43 am

tor lives wrote:There is nothing stopping any one of you from mounting your own display at Model Expo.....all you have to do is book a table.

Well, no, it's not quite like that.
We are reasonably generous in space allocation to new clubs but there is little precedent for individual displays and we have no particular wish to see more of them. If an individual does approach us with a good quality display, of course it would be considered. As I said before, club displays are most welcome.
Ed Russell @ Red Roo Models
Posts: 206
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Re: Just a "heads Up" everyone

Postby erussell » Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:45 am

tor lives wrote: this site is in its dying days.

Maybe time for the Lethobarb then?
Ed Russell @ Red Roo Models
Posts: 206
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:18 pm


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