Where to from here?

A membership discussion forum for all things modelling.

Where to from here?

Postby tor lives » Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:48 am

So.....as of 1030 Friday October 22 2021, the A/CAM Facebook page hit 3000 members, while the A/CAM Model Site hasn't has a single new member in nearly two months :?
I had already decided in principal to kill-off the site, because it seemed to be of little practical value, despite costing over $100 a months to keep running. Then the big Facebook worldwide outage occurred, which made me realize that the Site still might fill a niche. The other consideration is that the AMI Model Site looks like shutting down very soon, thereby leaving even fewer Model Sites available for the old school purist.
So, my question to you all as the A/CAM membership is.....do I accept the inevitable and shut down this site?, leaving A/CAM just as a Facebook presence, or do I keep it going for the small core group who still routinely use it?.
I am interested in everyone's s feedback, and it will help decide where we go form here. Over to you guys.
tor lives
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby hrtpaul » Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:37 am

Mate this is probably a little long winded but I'm gonna tell it like it is as I always do. Firstly I think you need to STFU and STOP comparing this forum to the ACAM facebook page :x :x :x They are 2 totally different things and it serves no purpose whatsoever except get you depressed about it. A forum is like a library which stores info, pics etc that can be accessed at anytime easily. Facebook is somewhere where stuff gets slapped on because it's convenient and easy to access, especially in this world of smartphones. Another thing is, you don't always see the posts on facebook due to the sheer volume of posts and facebooks algorithms. Speaking of algorithms, a forum isn't subject to the ridiculous facebook police either :evil: :evil: :evil: Have you ever tried searching for something particular on any page on facebook? It's a freaking nightmare beyond belief. Whether you find what you're looking for or not, is almost down to pure luck most of the time. A forum on the other hand, being like a library, make's finding stuff bloody easy AF. Wanna talk about value of this site huh? Whilst it would be a shame if AMI closes, and I seriously hope it doesn't, from what I can gather it's not because of facebook membership. A site as big as AMI or as small as ours are wealths of knowledge that once lost, are gone forever. We have lost some great modellers on this site (Fred Harris, Graeme Harris etc) and their knowledge they have posted here can NEVER be replaced. I check in here multiple times a day because I love visiting and I use it as a great resource for modelling tips etc. Yes I wish more people posted including myself but it is what it is. Life gets in the way sometimes. I need to stop being a lazy f&^k and post a few reviews etc I have done and meaning to post. Unfortunately my modelling has taken a hit in this last year but I'm hoping to get more stuff done and post it up. As has been mentioned a few times in the past, some peeps are prepared to contribute to the running of the site, myself included. Now just pretend I'm standing in front of you telling you this next bit face to face "harden the f&^k up, swallow ya freakin pride and let peeps help run ya the site mate". I for one don't want this site to disappear in part cos the haters said it couldn't be done which we have proved otherwise and I'm stubborn, but mostly I love seeing what peeps are up to in a format that is actually VERY user friendly. So mofo, get that chin up, let peeps help out if they want and let's keep this cracker little forum ticking along for years to come. Besides it's because of you, others and this site that I have such a big stash so you owe me somewhere to post that sh!t up :lol: :lol: :lol: What do ya say?
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby BradG » Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:53 am

How many of those 3000 members actually post anything? Even on larger sites you recognise who the regular posters are because most members don't post much.

I've also said this multiple times before; if you want to try and drive more people here, turn off member posting on the Facebook page. Post content from this side to Facebook with links back to join if people want to.

Also, 100 bucks a month? Is that all? My cricket clubs bet with mates group lost 1400 bucks last weekend and will probably do the same this weekend.
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby tor lives » Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:56 am

hrtpaul wrote:Mate this is probably a little long winded but I'm gonna tell it like it is as I always do. Firstly I think you need to STFU and STOP comparing this forum to the ACAM facebook page :x :x :x They are 2 totally different things and it serves no purpose whatsoever except get you depressed about it. A forum is like a library which stores info, pics etc that can be accessed at anytime easily. Facebook is somewhere where stuff gets slapped on because it's convenient and easy to access, especially in this world of smartphones. Another thing is, you don't always see the posts on facebook due to the sheer volume of posts and facebooks algorithms. Speaking of algorithms, a forum isn't subject to the ridiculous facebook police either :evil: :evil: :evil: Have you ever tried searching for something particular on any page on facebook? It's a freaking nightmare beyond belief. Whether you find what you're looking for or not, is almost down to pure luck most of the time. A forum on the other hand, being like a library, make's finding stuff bloody easy AF. Wanna talk about value of this site huh? Whilst it would be a shame if AMI closes, and I seriously hope it doesn't, from what I can gather it's not because of facebook membership. A site as big as AMI or as small as ours are wealths of knowledge that once lost, are gone forever. We have lost some great modellers on this site (Fred Harris, Graeme Harris etc) and their knowledge they have posted here can NEVER be replaced. I check in here multiple times a day because I love visiting and I use it as a great resource for modelling tips etc. Yes I wish more people posted including myself but it is what it is. Life gets in the way sometimes. I need to stop being a lazy f&^k and post a few reviews etc I have done and meaning to post. Unfortunately my modelling has taken a hit in this last year but I'm hoping to get more stuff done and post it up. As has been mentioned a few times in the past, some peeps are prepared to contribute to the running of the site, myself included. Now just pretend I'm standing in front of you telling you this next bit face to face "harden the f&^k up, swallow ya freakin pride and let peeps help run ya the site mate". I for one don't want this site to disappear in part cos the haters said it couldn't be done which we have proved otherwise and I'm stubborn, but mostly I love seeing what peeps are up to in a format that is actually VERY user friendly. So mofo, get that chin up, let peeps help out if they want and let's keep this cracker little forum ticking along for years to come. Besides it's because of you, others and this site that I have such a big stash so you owe me somewhere to post that sh!t up :lol: :lol: :lol: What do ya say?

Thanks for the excellent response Paul.
It's frank, open, to-the-point, and honest......and I respect and appreciate that.
You have raised some very valid points that require my further consideration.
One thing is for sure, you are right about making comparisons between the A/CAM Facebook page and the A/CAM Model Site.....it really is an "apples and oranges" comparison.
Thanks again for your input mate, its very much appreciated, and has given me a lot to think about.
tor lives
Posts: 4277
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:01 am

Re: Where to from here?

Postby BradG » Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:24 pm

Just wondering what you can't post on facebook that you can post here? I don't think that's a good argument for keeping the site.

Also Facebook pages are searchable by keyword within a matter of clicks, just as the forum. The issue is always going to be people putting the relevant information in their posts so it can be found by the search engine. So again, not a good argument for keeping the site.

Facebook also keeps all information you post to a page, much like a forum. I'd also argue that unless you are keeping an active back up, facebook is actually superior here in preserving the information on it.

Sure facebook can go down, so can a website, like being hacked, or files go corrupt etc. Again, a poor argument to keep ACAM.

The only two reasons ACAM is superior to facebook are; layout and the fact you can make your own rules and are not subject to the base rules of Facebook.

Is the fact of ownership worth the money you spend?
Posts: 859
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby tor lives » Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:38 pm

BradG wrote:Just wondering what you can't post on facebook that you can post here? I don't think that's a good argument for keeping the site.

Also Facebook pages are searchable by keyword within a matter of clicks, just as the forum. The issue is always going to be people putting the relevant information in their posts so it can be found by the search engine. So again, not a good argument for keeping the site.

Facebook also keeps all information you post to a page, much like a forum. I'd also argue that unless you are keeping an active back up, facebook is actually superior here in preserving the information on it.

Sure facebook can go down, so can a website, like being hacked, or files go corrupt etc. Again, a poor argument to keep ACAM.

The only two reasons ACAM is superior to facebook are; layout and the fact you can make your own rules and are not subject to the base rules of Facebook.

Is the fact of ownership worth the money you spend?

Thanks very much for your input Brad.....it is much appreciated.
You too have given me food for thought with the points you raise.
I guess its going to come down to if those two points you mention are enough to justify continuing with the site.
tor lives
Posts: 4277
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:01 am

Re: Where to from here?

Postby hrtpaul » Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:08 pm

BradG wrote:Just wondering what you can't post on facebook that you can post here? I don't think that's a good argument for keeping the site.

Also Facebook pages are searchable by keyword within a matter of clicks, just as the forum. The issue is always going to be people putting the relevant information in their posts so it can be found by the search engine. So again, not a good argument for keeping the site.

Facebook also keeps all information you post to a page, much like a forum. I'd also argue that unless you are keeping an active back up, facebook is actually superior here in preserving the information on it.

Sure facebook can go down, so can a website, like being hacked, or files go corrupt etc. Again, a poor argument to keep ACAM.

The only two reasons ACAM is superior to facebook are; layout and the fact you can make your own rules and are not subject to the base rules of Facebook.

Is the fact of ownership worth the money you spend?

I'll go point by point for you Brad.

There are quite a lot of things that will get you a FB jail spell that won't on a forum. For starters there's the whole Swastika drama. On a forum you simply don't have that. Granted it's not really an issue here but it you were to post pics of model with it visible then you could either find your post deleted, page deleted or get FB jail time. And incase you think otherwise, it can and DOES happen. Then there's context in posts. Here you can pretty much sort that out but good old facebook doesn't give a crap about context. The algorithms aren't that smart. Once again it can and does lead to FB jail time. So yeah it is a good argument :o :o :o

While you are correct FB is searchable, it is hardly user friendly. The search function is atrocious and like I said previously, seems to be based more on luck than anything else. I had this very issue looking up some Torana power steering stuff, which IS very specific I might add, this morning before even replying to Ray's original post here. After 1/2hr of looking for a particular FB post I gave up. I'd be stoked if I could find what I was chasing within a few clicks but alas, that was not the case. While sometimes it can be easy to find things, more often than not it ain't. So it's a no from me and many others. Not a good argument? If you say so :? :? :?

Have you tried searching for something that you have a vague recollection about from 5 years ago on FB? Almost but not quite immpossible pal. Now try that on a forum. Occasionally it can be difficult, but it's infinitely easier on a forum. Once again my own experience confirms this for me. And lets not forget that everything that has been posted here isn't automatically by magic posted on FB. So yeah no cigar there either.

Both platforms have their place that's for sure. But if I had to choose which 1 was to go, it'd be the FB page in a heartbeat. That's just how I see it
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby BradG » Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:39 pm

Is the fact that you can post an unedited swastika on the forum worth the money each month to keep it going? The search programs aren't perfect, I moderate several history based pages on facebook along with making my own posts and I've personally only gone to facebook jail for other things, never a swastika and the pages have only gotten a couple of pictures deleted. There is a human behind the system who has to review all reports, there is an appeals section and again, is this a big issues for airliner and aircraft pictures you'd post here? No, it isn't.

The search function is keyword, it works just fine, the problem is the information that people put into their posts, or lack there of. This issue exists on any forum, including here. A post with just a picture and no text will not get picked up by the keyword search anywhere. This is a PEBKAC issue, not a software one. Searching for something you have a "vague" recollection of is a user problem, not an issue with the search software. I'll put it another way; if you can't remember what you're looking for, do you blame your memory or the item you're looking for?

Like many older people who did not grow up with computers, your preference lays with the format you are most familiar, no offence.
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:24 pm

hrtpaul wrote:Mate this is probably a little long winded but I'm gonna tell it like it is as I always do. Firstly I think you need to STFU and STOP comparing this forum to the ACAM facebook page :x :x :x They are 2 totally different things and it serves no purpose whatsoever except get you depressed about it. A forum is like a library which stores info, pics etc that can be accessed at anytime easily. Facebook is somewhere where stuff gets slapped on because it's convenient and easy to access, especially in this world of smartphones. Another thing is, you don't always see the posts on facebook due to the sheer volume of posts and facebooks algorithms. Speaking of algorithms, a forum isn't subject to the ridiculous facebook police either :evil: :evil: :evil: Have you ever tried searching for something particular on any page on facebook? It's a freaking nightmare beyond belief. Whether you find what you're looking for or not, is almost down to pure luck most of the time. A forum on the other hand, being like a library, make's finding stuff bloody easy AF. Wanna talk about value of this site huh? Whilst it would be a shame if AMI closes, and I seriously hope it doesn't, from what I can gather it's not because of facebook membership. A site as big as AMI or as small as ours are wealths of knowledge that once lost, are gone forever. We have lost some great modellers on this site (Fred Harris, Graeme Harris etc) and their knowledge they have posted here can NEVER be replaced. I check in here multiple times a day because I love visiting and I use it as a great resource for modelling tips etc. Yes I wish more people posted including myself but it is what it is. Life gets in the way sometimes. I need to stop being a lazy f&^k and post a few reviews etc I have done and meaning to post. Unfortunately my modelling has taken a hit in this last year but I'm hoping to get more stuff done and post it up. As has been mentioned a few times in the past, some peeps are prepared to contribute to the running of the site, myself included. Now just pretend I'm standing in front of you telling you this next bit face to face "harden the f&^k up, swallow ya freakin pride and let peeps help run ya the site mate". I for one don't want this site to disappear in part cos the haters said it couldn't be done which we have proved otherwise and I'm stubborn, but mostly I love seeing what peeps are up to in a format that is actually VERY user friendly. So mofo, get that chin up, let peeps help out if they want and let's keep this cracker little forum ticking along for years to come. Besides it's because of you, others and this site that I have such a big stash so you owe me somewhere to post that sh!t up :lol: :lol: :lol: What do ya say?

Completely agree with you mate.....(that's a bloody first!!)

TOR, you know damn well that if you would only swallow your pride, I'd be more than happy to contribute to the upkeep of this site.

Yes, I am a member of the FB group as well, but you know what? I'm a member of a whole swag of groups on FB, and I can't be stuffed with them any more. Rarely do I actually take the time to read a post on FB. The only ones that I'm interested in are the ones from my friends that appear in my feed. Pretty much everything else I scroll on by. I don't bother searching for stuff on FB because it's all too bloody hard.
Sure, for me personally, life has gotten in the way big time. My modelling comes in fits and starts, and I haven't finished a kit in years. The shelf of doom needs replacing because it's bowing under the weight. But this is one place where I *always* check in and *always* read all the new stuff that gets put up, even if I rarely post.

So TOR, don't you dare close this place down. If you do, I swear I'll post that man-bun photo of you all over FB. :lol: :lol:
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
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Re: Where to from here?

Postby VH-WAL » Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:46 pm

ditto i would contribute $ to acam ..........................forum over FB every time
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