Damn, Ray, you rock..... I've been itching for someone to ask me about my backdrop. Damn near more excited about that than the plane.

Not really, but anyway.....
Just so happens where I take my outside pics is next to where I burn all the fallen branches from my yard. Pure happenstance one day: I had a bunch of sticks ready for burn piled up on the table where I take pics and it turned out I really liked it as a backdrop. Fast forward, I trim up my beastly rose bush & those branches dry out and it suddenly occurred to me that putting those in the background with the rest would look cool!

Trying to get by with what I have. Dried up rose bush branches look pretty neat, kind of like organic barbed wire.
The picture I took where I'm holding the model in my hand reveals my scheme....

.. .it's obvious that I stacked the stuff up with purpose. But... damnit, it works!