Trumpeter 1/32 Sukhoi Su 25K Frogfoot

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Trumpeter 1/32 Sukhoi Su 25K Frogfoot

Postby BradG » Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:12 pm

Not a bad model from Trumpeter, but definitely one that can be improved upon. The nice things about the kit are; adequate detail in the cockpit with photo etch seat belts, lots of weapons with clear inserts for guided weapons seeker heads, plenty of detail if you want to leave panels open and a nice decal sheet. Metal undercarriage legs are also included along with plastic.

Shortcoming of the kit are; difficult to eliminate seam in the engine air intakes and exhaust (unless you use covers like me). Trumpeter completely forgot to include the outer hard points for the air to air missiles despite drawing them into the box art and having the locating holes for them. It is also meant to be built with slats, flaps and all undercarriage doors down, which is incorrect for the Su 25 when on the ground. I have fixed all but the two main gear doors which would take extensive modification to correct. It also pays to drill out the locating tab holes as the fit of the parts is sometimes just too tight and test fitting can rip off the locating pins when you try to separate the parts again.

Along with the slats and flaps, I also closed the gun bay, the engine access compartment, the cockpit ladder and speed brakes. These however were easy to do with minimal cutting. All up, it does make into an impressive model, I may still buy the aftermarket outer hard points to mount the K60 aphid missiles as it doesn't look complete without them.





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Re: Trumpeter 1/32 Sukhoi Su 25K Frogfoot

Postby Wedgetail » Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:51 pm

Great looking Su 25K Brad, as well as a nice build it's in the correct scale, for me anyway.
Cheers, Wayne.
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Re: Trumpeter 1/32 Sukhoi Su 25K Frogfoot

Postby TheChronicOne » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:32 am

Holy hell!!! I love it!! Frogfoots are the best, and I love theseK versions and the others that don't have the straight back. 1/32??? Nuts man!!! Beautiful work, I'm pretty stoked. Glorious paint scheme, as well. When I make mine one day it's going to have much similar woodland camo on it. Very inspirational!
-Sprues McDuck-
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