When I started this I had ideas of doing one of the Python Test Beds but then I thought of just doing one of the RAAF Lincolns but then swayed back to doing a Python Test Bed after finding some great plans in the Airfix/PSL book on the Lancaster as the first Python Test Bed was actually on a Lancaster.
So this is a great photo of the subject aircraft which actually ended it's days at Tocumwal :
from this Site :
https://www.goodall.com.au/australian-a ... nsraf.html
Now as mentioned this was a Frog Kit based Group Build so out came the Frog Lancaster - or more accurately a Soviet high temperature because of low melt flow point plastic "baked" "spawn" kit - and also a Frog Shackleton - or more accurately again a Soviet warped kit but this time through the Modelcraft Distributor in Canada who had so many he was literally selling them cheaper by the half dozen which I did buy when the Aussie Dollar was worth something before it became the Pacific Paeso that it is today.
So this is the Lancaster kit :
(and yes that is all flash as it is Injection moulded and not a Vacuform!) and this is the Shackleton kit :
Now there were two basic ways of doing this. The first using both of these kits and following the Article in Airfix Magazine January 1972 :
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/imag ... zT6o8NM9XS
and available on-line here :
which uses the original Airfix Lancaster and the Frog Shackleton as the Frog Lancaster was not available until 1976.
Or the other way is to use one of the at least three available Conversion Sets to make a Lincoln (usually meant for the 1979 release Airfix kit or the latest new tool Airfix Lancaster) and using the Article in Scale Aircraft Modelling Volume 12 Number 4 January 1990 as the Reference.
Well interpreting this Group Build as a "period" build meaning mid 70's as Frog went to the Soviets in 1976/77 I decided to at least start using the Airfix Article as a basis but make any necessary changes along the way as I ran into trouble using the Frog/Novo/Spawn Lancaster and also if I managed to get a Conversion Set along the way.
Anyway that's enough of a "Starter" more to come as this Thread catches up with the "other" one!