Yesterday and today have been most productive. Last night after dinner I was able to put down a gloss coat to Tamiya clear, which allowed me this morning to begin decals.
Though made for the Revell 737-800, using the Hawkeye set on the Zvezda kit works pretty well. On this side I started at the rear and worked my way forward. The length is right and the windows line up pretty well, but where the cutaway for the cockpit windows ends up is a little bit off.In hindsight I should have started there and finished at the rear. A bit of playing around and I got it to work out in the end.
As with the other side, I cut up the long cheat line into inch long pieces, as I found that last time, this time however I did start at the front of the plane and worked my way back and got a much better fit around the windscreen. The Anti-glare panel decal covers up the join between the two pieces.
Keeping at it with a crappy B-Grade Movie on in the back ground, I managed to get through all of the decals in a couple of hours, even managing to get the engines and tail planes glued in place.
I still need to install the lights in the wings, seal the decals with another gloss coat and paint up a flying Rat logo on the base, but its getting closer to finished.
It already looks pretty good beside Retro Roo James Strong, if I do say so myself.