Latest product from the Motherland!

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Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed May 14, 2014 11:47 am


How's this for a pretty sinister bird of prey from the Motherland! India will be buying this aeroplane. One would think that Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia are also potential customers in our region in the future. The T-50 will essentially be a "mini-AWAC's" thanks to the multiple AESA radars on-board. Russia has learnt very well from the West and has produced a fighter that can totally go it alone (without AWACs support) and would be a formidable opponent when working together with other T-50's all data-linked together. Looks like it's going to be marketed far and wide and possibly be cheaper than the F-35 - very attractive to many South American and Asian customers. It will not have the same sales success as the F-35 though I think.

Looks pretty cool huh. Turn the amp up to "11" for the take off!
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed May 14, 2014 1:37 pm

I wouldn't worry about Indonesia getting any. They can barely afford 20 conventional Sukhoi's.

Re: Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed May 14, 2014 3:25 pm

_BlackHawk_ wrote:I wouldn't worry about Indonesia getting any. They can barely afford 20 conventional Sukhoi's.

No I'm not worried about Indonesia ever getting the T-50. It's a fair guess that the TNI AU could get this aeroplane sometime in the next 20 years. Their current Suk's won't last forever and the very fact that the RAAF will be fielding the F-35 could very well push the Indo's to opting for the T-50 as a counter. The T-50 when data-linked to a few others would be one formidable opponent. Having a system that could hunt down the Wedgetail or any other potential opponents AWACs platform would be money well spent. The T-50 has enormous range and two engines plus a big payload. I do think that senior leadership within the TNI AU would be drooling over the prospect of getting this aeroplane.

As far as Indonesia fielding squadron's of Suk's - not much chance there. Just one or two squadron's of T-50's could serve their country well though I think. On Java alone, there is around 5 x the population of Australia. Their economy and population is growing and Indonesia is generally becoming a smarter and wealthier country. Their industries are growing whilst ours are in decline. Of course I doubt very much our countries would ever go to war - way too much to loose on both sides. Indonesia must have some decent aeroplanes in it's air forces inventory to be able to defend it's sovereignty. There are something like 10,000 islands to cover. Also, the Javanese are intensely proud people and having the latest and greatest Suk would be great for their national pride - even if it's mainly flown at air shows occasionally! TNI AU is getting more sophisticated and has even participated at Pitch Black. How well they did - well, I don't think that will be made public. Thing is though they are learning and will improve. It's far more important to have Indonesia as a friend and ally than as a opponent.
Imagine one day seeing a T-50 at Avalon - that may even get you to come out Ace! :lol:
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed May 14, 2014 3:47 pm

I wouldn't worry about their sovereignty either, cos I wouldn't want to invade the place, what a hole. I wouldn't go to Avalon again, unless I got in for free, no matter what they had there. I went to the Point Cook show for free and still felt like I wanted my money back....

Re: Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed May 14, 2014 7:22 pm

Been to anywhere in Indonesia? You calling it a hole is based on what experience?

Re Avalon and Pt Cook airshows - you do actually like aeroplanes right - the ones that still actually fly, not just little plastic reproductions or museum pieces? Just thought I'd check.
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed May 14, 2014 7:49 pm

I like aircraft, I think, just bored with airshows here now.

Re: Latest product from the Motherland!

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed May 14, 2014 8:32 pm

[quote="_BlackHawk_"]I like aircraft, I think, just bored with airshows here now.[/quote

Fair enough. It's all relative. I had a great time at both Avalon and PCK airshows. Guess I'm easily impressed. How about save up your money and do overseas airshows like Paul? There's probably very few airshows you'd like given your bored from of Avalon and PCK - perhaps Farnborough, Paris, Duxford or Oshkosh? Bucket list for me is Oshkosh, Reno and I'd love to go to the MAK show in Russia -one day.
I for one really like hearing about others airshow adventures. Go for it Ace!
Adam the Akrodude
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