If you're on Facebook, you may have seen last night or this morning that I somehow managed to screw up one of the major decals on my B737. No big drama's, just a hit to the wallet as I had to order another decal sheet.
The offending decal. I tried to apply it all in one piece. Went ok at first, but then tore, folded over itself and stretched. Decided it was better to scrap it than live with it. New sheet ordered from Southern Sky.
I got the rest of the decal on last night and this morning though. Just 5 or 6 to go that need to wait on the other cheat line decal to arrive. I did stuff up the engine decal on the other side too but as the replacement sheet had already been ordered, I wasn't to concerned.
A couple of the decals on the underside require white backing. The white backing is on here, the colour top will follow shortly.
A few touch ups required to the decal at the back here. Not a problem.
The plain side of the plane. Just waiting on the new decals to arrive. Wheels are not installed yet either.
Back in the cabinet for now. Hopefully it will be finished next weekend. Now to find something else to work on.