DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby Graeme H » Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:11 pm

Yes I think he corrected the upper part of the attachment, which is quite rounded on NG's unlike the Revell kit, which is flat like the classics, but he left the cowl front as the wildly incorrect flat bottom shape, which doesn't exist on any CFM's

Hope Ray doesn't mind me using a bit of bandwidth, hopefully a decent idea.

There has long been confusion about the shape of the CFM cowl, caused by some thinking that it is not round when viewed from the front, this is the Classic


or the side


Clearly there is no flat bit on the bottom on the inside of the cowl, at around the 4 and 8 o'clock it changes slightly, but never goes as flat as some model makers would have you believe, although the lip itself get quit a bit thinner at the bottom of the cowl and there is a flat on the underneath, another thing is that the Fan is bigger in diameter than the opening to the cowl, and drops down quite significantly from the leading edge of the cowl on the bottom, more so than it goes up at the top.

As an aside the dent on the radome was a bird strike coming in to land at Townsville (TSV/YBTL), and as this was an ex Ansett aircraft, and they had no spare white radomes, only red ones put a replacement red one on, later paid the Red Nose day fee after everyone thought that was what it was about.


on the NG's it is quite rounded almost a perfect circle, but the outside changes to quite thinner at the bottom

you can see how the fan is much bigger than the cowl opening in that 2nd shot

and from the side


and the shape of the attachment pylon on the top


Other that the immediate inside of the lip, not sure that much of this is that important in 1/144th or 200th scale, but making the lip rounder is very important for a visual impression.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby tor lives » Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:41 pm

Here is Southwest's attempt at 1:1 CFM56 "modification":
:D :D
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby DesTROYer » Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:41 pm

While waiting for the filler and paint to dry on the other two projects I was working on today, I decided to retrieve this one from the curtain rail of doom, sand back some mistakes, do a better job of filling the windows and back on a coat of primer that was actually a different colour than the plastic.



After only an hour or twos work, I'm actually keen to get back on with this one now.

P.S. Since my last update in August last year, I received the new engines. They're the same as what I had. Shit. They will have to do. Tracking down that set did my head in as it was. If I wait to find a new set, I'll likely loose interest in the build again, and I don't want that.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby Graeme H » Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:44 am

Troy rather than see you give up, I can send you a set of Authentic Airliner or Braz ones, the AA are the best, but the Braz ones are not bad.
Send me your Postal addy and I will send whatever you prefer.

I can say, I have got 3 of the new Zvezda kit, and it is a stunner, none of these problems at all, although I haven't built one yet

The PAS ones are for the Minicraft classic, so don't throw them out.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby RayS » Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:50 am

Come on Troy, you can get this one finished!

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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby DesTROYer » Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:12 pm

Thanks mate. That's very kind of you. PM inbound.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby DesTROYer » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:12 am

A couple of coats of gloss white went down yesterday on the fuselage. Here it is after the second. The third coat came out great.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby tor lives » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:15 pm

Lookin good young Troy.
Nothing like the simple joy of building a Boeing Airliner hey.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby DesTROYer » Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:13 pm

After a weird week at work I was keen to get it out of my head and enjoy my weekend. So last night I got back on with the 737. Masking went on pretty quickly, though in hindsight I should have paid more attention to [insert missing word when I remember what its called} the tape down.

Then it was on to the tail and winglets. If you remember the dramas I had with the Humbrol Acrylic 19 that I had on the Airbus I did a few years back, You'll understand when I say I wasn't looking forward to doing it again on this one. The paint needed a bit of thinner added to get in thin enough to spray. This cause another bleed through that needed to be fixed.

Some bleed through and more aware eye under the cold morning sun meant that the gloss white needed another coat. Not a problem.

Finally, after a few more trips out into the cold, cold, garage for little touch ups and adjustments, I was pretty much where I wanted to be.

I've now cleaned my airbrushes and turned out the lights in the office for the night. Tomorrow morning I'll take a fresh look again, and if there are no issues, I'll put down a coat or two of Tamiya clear gloss and start on the decals during the coming week.
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Re: DesTROYer's 1/144 Retro scheme Qantas Boeing 737-800

Postby RayS » Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:19 pm

The word you are after is 'burnish' the tape down Troy.

Paintwork looks very tidy after the touch ups.

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