Most of these pics were from my General Aviation days flying from Port Hedland and Newman, Western Australia `07 to `10. Whilst I reckon I spent a year too long there, I still look back on my time there as something I will never forget and one which certainly gives my a sense of pride and accomplishment that I toughed it out in one of the hottest, dirtiest places in Australia. The fights, the drinking, the long days, the smell and the fear. Whilst I am now on slightly bigger, and faster machines now, the experience certainly gives me a raised eyebrow or two when I hear a cadet complaining about the crew meal menus or having to do a 10 hour duty!
So in no random order, and I will post more as I go.
Why is that prop feathered and those five girls looking so happy to be on the ground?
My C208 Caravan Sim when I found out that I was to be let loose on a plane with an engine worth half a mil.
Punmu International Airport, secure area.
The weekend paper run Newman-Broome, most disruptive to an active social life in a small town
Absolutely as full as a prostitute with a runny nose, destined for Broome with the Newspapers. Was run with 2 aircraft and I had a good zoom lense.
The Mrs on her first and last flight with me out to the desert, quitely debating my offer of leaving her in Jiggalong if she was going to be sick
I had to take a CEO and associates of a iron ore company out to what is now the Roy Hill deposit owned by Gina. This strip was graded into the desert only a day or two before this pics to enable us to land there.. The CEO was up the front with me. `is that where we are landing? he enquired, Sure I said, watch this!
If ya pack it tight enough....
Our near new (it was only 10 years old!!), airconditioned and flew flat out at 205 knots True.
The Mail run, Newman-Jiggalong-Cotten Creek-Punmu-Balfour Downs Station-Newman.
One of my charters was to take this guy and his entourage around the communities, to give out presents. It usually involved me helping out.
More to follow!