Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

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Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Ericg » Tue May 06, 2014 6:26 pm

So with all the airliner pilots putting pics up of `there I was at FL 380, half asleep and longing for sign-off', which I do enjoy, I thought I would post some pics of the real flying, you know, down in the mud-fighting for every night hour, loading all the bags whilst trying not to inhale through your nose type stuff. Most of these pics are from my Facebook account so the quality isn't huge, but I will replace when I find the good ones.

Most of these pics were from my General Aviation days flying from Port Hedland and Newman, Western Australia `07 to `10. Whilst I reckon I spent a year too long there, I still look back on my time there as something I will never forget and one which certainly gives my a sense of pride and accomplishment that I toughed it out in one of the hottest, dirtiest places in Australia. The fights, the drinking, the long days, the smell and the fear. Whilst I am now on slightly bigger, and faster machines now, the experience certainly gives me a raised eyebrow or two when I hear a cadet complaining about the crew meal menus or having to do a 10 hour duty!

So in no random order, and I will post more as I go.

Why is that prop feathered and those five girls looking so happy to be on the ground?


My C208 Caravan Sim when I found out that I was to be let loose on a plane with an engine worth half a mil.


Punmu International Airport, secure area.


The weekend paper run Newman-Broome, most disruptive to an active social life in a small town


Absolutely as full as a prostitute with a runny nose, destined for Broome with the Newspapers. Was run with 2 aircraft and I had a good zoom lense.


The Mrs on her first and last flight with me out to the desert, quitely debating my offer of leaving her in Jiggalong if she was going to be sick


I had to take a CEO and associates of a iron ore company out to what is now the Roy Hill deposit owned by Gina. This strip was graded into the desert only a day or two before this pics to enable us to land there.. The CEO was up the front with me. `is that where we are landing? he enquired, Sure I said, watch this!


If ya pack it tight enough....


Our near new (it was only 10 years old!!), airconditioned and flew flat out at 205 knots True.


The Mail run, Newman-Jiggalong-Cotten Creek-Punmu-Balfour Downs Station-Newman.


One of my charters was to take this guy and his entourage around the communities, to give out presents. It usually involved me helping out.


More to follow!
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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Knotty » Tue May 06, 2014 6:47 pm

Some fantastic shots Eric , a lot of great experiences there too .
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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue May 06, 2014 7:48 pm


As well as the photos, I bet you've got the scars to prove your time up the north end huh!
What are the Caravan's like to drive?

Looking forward to seeing more pic's dude!


Adam (who is supposed to be playing tennis right now, but the effing court lights won't come on!!!!)
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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Nillus » Tue May 06, 2014 10:00 pm

Getting a "maxed out photobucket account" icon with no images.

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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Ericg » Tue May 06, 2014 10:58 pm

Hopefully fixed. Sorry about that

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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Nillus » Wed May 07, 2014 1:45 am

Cracker shots, Eric.
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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Wed May 07, 2014 6:19 am

Great shots, Eric. Love the Caravan sim....we had a slightly more advaced sim for the GA-7 Cougar - it had movable levers :lol:
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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby hrtpaul » Wed May 07, 2014 9:08 am

Cracker pics Eric :)
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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Ericg » Wed May 07, 2014 9:16 pm

Adam, the `van is still my favourite aircraft to fly. Although sometimes when it was hot and heavy it felt like it didn't have enough power (like anything I guess) it went everywhere and did everything and was a pleasure to fly.

Some more.

Love him or hate him, when you fly an ex prime minister around the traps single pilot in the Caravan, it just has to be a memourable moment hey? Ahh sorry Bob but your going to have to put that cigar out before we go flying mate! He was only too happy to give us a pic once we had dropped the large group he was in at Fortesque metals Cloudbreak Mine in the Van and 2 Barons (me in the Van of course)


A couple of pics of me re-fuelling in less than desireable conditions (Please hire me airlines, please!!!!)


This one was really taken in the middle of nowhere, Kiwirrkurra.


Another pic of the `van, at home in the bush. Actually the Auski roadhouse in the middle of nowhere


Our sim, which not surprisingly got a hiding come sim ride/interview time.


This was the first week of flying some indigenous folk from their communities to Telfer Gold mine for week long stints at a work program. Sadly, a few weeks into it the numbers had dropped to only a few that were willing to give it a go.


Checking to see if the kids were OK..


Some more terribly atmospheric shots of the Caravan and some of the other aircraft that i flew


I remember this shot well. It was at Nullagine,WA, and I hung around for 2 hours after I dropped the pax off just so I could log the valuable 0.5 hours of night flight that counted towards the 100 required for the ATPL.



The 206... not as much fun. This one is now `deceased'


Some bloody awesome country, this was taken in the Karajini national park, and I can say that I saw pretty well all of it and was lucky enough to see most of it from the regulation 500 ft AGL.


I eventually worked out that If I was going to get anywhere with this aviation career, that I would have to start studying for my ATPL's. Here is the tax invoice for the self studied program. As there was no exam center in Port Hedland, I had to drive the 2 hours each way to Karratha to sit each of the seven exams.


Next up, moving onto the regional airlines! (I hope you guys are enjoying these pics?)

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Re: Some less than glamorous General aviation career pics.

Postby Capt NG » Wed May 07, 2014 9:28 pm

Brings back memories... Back in the days allot of us should have taken more photos...a path worn by thousands of GA pilots that went to Ansett, TAA, Kendell, Hazos..and SOs in QF.. A great time in ones life/career... A path worn by many and not forgotten by all... Need I say more...

Re wind the clock 30-40 years and you have guys of a similar ilk making their way into TAA/Ansett into the F-27.. Next was a right seat on a DC-9, 727... Then back to there F-27 for a command... Then into the DC-9 and beyond..

Don't want to down play.. Great photos, just a right of passage for all those that have trodden before.. The only ones who would not appreciate are those that got into QF with 500 hours total.. Best guys I've flown with are the ex 727,737, DC-9 guys..that's my opinion.
It's hard for me to get used to these changing times... I remember when the air was clean and the sex was dirty..
Capt NG
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