Tell me, are you capable of producing LARGE (1:50 scale) decals for a particular Qantas B707? I have a model I am refurbishing & I'm waiting on decals to arrive from a contact Knotty put me in touch with, but the guy is SO busy it will take months for him to start.
I can do the patterns, Peter would print the final decals (as a commission job). The problem is getting a 1/50 707 to me (Queanbeyan) for test fitting, coz I don't have any spare lying around !
Scott Garard former QF ramper (Thanks alot AJ!) now Aust Post van driver
Getting back on topic, I got the files to Peter on Thursday night, and he was pleased when he saw the final test-fits. So he may have some ready at Expo next month, (but don't quote me )...
Scott Garard former QF ramper (Thanks alot AJ!) now Aust Post van driver