He STILL doesn't get it!!!

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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:30 pm

Really!!!! (sigh) :roll: .....I thought we could deal with this situation amicably and put it to bed, but cleary David Harvey is in a defiant, fighting mood .
See his recent AMI post below :roll: .
Ray, to find out why Ray W maintains a forum of his own as well as a user ID here you will have to ask TOR. He has made comment to others that he does have a user ID here despite being banned and apparently even hints about it on ACAM so I guess he does.
Copying posts for information is one thing, copying it to make sarcastic comments about the post made by someone else is a different thing. I used to go to Zone 5 but I gave it up due to the constant whining and sniping directed at Hyperscale, Britmodeller and ARC - it is childish in the extreme. If you don't like a forum then go to another, there are literally thousands of modelling forums and Facebook pages out there covering every type of modelling possible. I don't make comments about ACAM as I don't care what happens on ACAM and don't go there to see if they are saying anything about me - I REALLY don't care. In saying that I have also helped Ray with the ACAM Forum when I found out about some problems he was having with it.
Ray, why should I ask yo to leave AMI? You have made comment in a polite manner without it being personal or abusive, just as I always ask people to do so. You can have the biggest disagreements in the world with someone and still be polite about it. When comments are made to be abusive, personal or deliberately made to cause an argument then I will consider the options - none of which you have done.
As for VLATs, I will leave that to the people who actually fight the fires to work out what they want.

PS. I just wish to make models and spend time with my family so I really am not interested in inter forum fights. I have had enough stress in the past with threats of legal action and what not because of the actions of individuals on AMI and that put me off working on the site for a great deal of time. Since then I have deployed to the Middle East and have only just managed to start making models again with any enthusiasm. My point? I am not going to get worked up or snooping to find out about rubbish that others want to do to make themselves feel 'big'

Fine David.....you better have the balls to now back up your accusations with facts. Who are these "others" I have apparently "made comment to", and could you perhaps publicly demonstrate where this alleged "hinting on A/CAM" is occurring????.
Quiet frankly David, this is sounding a little paranoid on your part. If I were currently active on AMI wouldn't I still be posting there?????......after all, I hardly have the reputation for being a silent "lurker", remaining meekly on the on the side-lines for extended periods of time without comment, now do I ???. I guess I could regain direct access to AMI under a new sign-in if I really wanted to, (it wouldn't be hard), but, quiet frankly, I couldn't be bothered.....and why is that????, cause I have my own bloody model site David, where I will NOT be censored, chastised, locked, deleted, banned, OR THREATENED by outta control Site Moderators/Administrators because I dare have an opinion ..... think about it!!!
I defy you David to give one example of a blatant derogatory comment made about AMI on my site, (indeed you will find that A/CAM has only ever been respectful and friendly towards you and AMI). My advice to you would be put up or shut up, as you are skating on some pretty thin ice here, and my tolerance for your notoriously erratic and skittish behaviour is not endless.
Like you with A/CAM David, I personally could not give a rats arse about what goes on with/on AMI, so please, don't flatter yourself by thinking otherwise. Unless it is a subject I am interested in, (and I am normally altered to that by others, such as yesterday's VLAT/LAT discussion), I rarely have the need to visit your site. I am too busy ensuring my site, it's sponsors, and members are taken care of to concern myself with AMI. The only reason I have tried to ensure good relations are maintained between us and our two sites is for the good of our common members and sponsors.....and the hobby.
Now that you have been quiet rightly publicly held to account by one of your long-term members for your less-than-sterling responses yesterday, (and indeed that of your administrator, who's conduct was, quiet frankly, disgraceful), you have clearly come out swinging and on the defensive. Face it David, you are on the back foot this time. Your administrator was WAY out-of-line and over-the-top, (again!!!), by threatening our common members with AMI banning but, yet again, you failed to take the decisive action necessary to curb his misguided "enthusiasm". It must be said David that, in my experience, you have a track record of failing to act when you moderator gets carried away and "giddy" with power.
David, you act surprised that Ray S is expecting banning because he dares speaks out on your site. I would put it to you that, once again, you and your moderator have well-established and long-term form here. I had lost count of the times that you, (and your administrator), locked/deleted perfectly reasonable and civilised AMI threads just because you didn't agree with or like what was being said.
So there it is David....cards on the table, yours and mine. And my parting advice to you.....actually take the time to really READ the feedback provided by your members, as there maybe some pertinent, valuable, and valid messages in there for you. Should you wish to discuss any of these issues, as always, feel free to contact me.....03 97443013.
Regards for now.
(Phew.....I am exhausted, I haven't wasted this much time on a keyboard since I was active on AMI :D . Now I am going to the model room to do something constructive).
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:46 pm

In all fairness to David and AMI, I do want this publicly noted and highlighted.

In saying that I have also helped Ray with the ACAM Forum when I found out about some problems he was having with it.

This is quiet right. David was instrumental in assisting me and A/CAM when we were experiencing sever spamming issues. It was singularly through David's advice and guidance that the spamming issues were effectively dealt with and permanently fixed. I did then, but I will again publically thank and acknowledge David for that priceless assistance. I will always be grateful to David for his help with that issue.
This is why David has always been treated with respect by A/CAM.....to the point of being an invited honoured guest of the annual A/CAM Model Expo membership luncheon.
A/CAM has also offered the hand of assistance to AMI in it's "time-of-need", when that site was experiencing severe and on-going technical difficulties. The full resources of the A/CAM site was placed at David's disposal to assist and support his membership during that time. This is the sort of cooperation that has existed between the two sites up to now, and it would indeed be a shame if this relationship were to be lost.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:45 am

Jeez, I spend a bit of time down the beach catching some sun and waves, flick on A/CAM and behold - Entertainment Plus! This is all pure GOLD! :D

I think David Edwards and David Harvey really should be come members here - c'mon guys, it's fun! :D You both obviously spend a significant amount of time here, so why not join and answer any critics directly - save some time if nothing else! The other major advantage of A/CAM is that entire topics don't disappear. OK, if any posts get out of hand the individual post is removed and discussed with the poster. If three offensive posts happen, it's the 3 strikes and your out. I think there has only been a couple of instances of this and the individuals were warned. So, there is much greater freedom of speech here and we love thread drift (I'm a major offender - o'pps! :oops: ), so long as it's interesting - like the car drift in the 2016 "Predictions" topic.

David Edwards (I know your reading this!) - sir, you are a major reason I left AMI. I'm pretty sure you were happy with me bugging out as well. The whole draconian way people's opinions are stifled and entire topics removed at AMI I found particularly offensive from a freedom of speech perspective. Each to their own, it's a free country and people can choose from many modelling forums and find the one that best suits. Singling out A/CAM members at AMI the way David Edwards did is extraordinary. I wonder what sponsors have to say about a moderator posting those sort of remarks to site members - basically keep ya traps shut or hit the road!

Fascinating to read the comments from WA fire chiefs in regard to LATS/VLATS's. I don't think any of we supports of LATS/VLAT's have said these assets are the only solution, but add a very valuable component to the mix of tools available to counter bush fires. As far as I know, pretty well all other countries that suffer from bush fires use VLAT's/LAT's don't they - oh but Australia is "unique" isn't it! FFS! I as a tax payer am happy to see these amazing aircraft do their thing in this country - helping save lives and property. The authorities no doubt are learning and getting better and better at utilising these amazing assets. I've never understood the thinking that viewing airborne fire fighting solutions are somehow a threat to the road tanker network. Surely the answer is finding the correct mix of these assets to efficiently target, control then stop these large fire events.

Events at AMI lead to the creation of A/CAM, so in a bizarre way we all have AMI to thank for this. :D It's like that blues song by Muddy Waters - "The Blues had a baby and they named it Rock n Roll"! Not sure though if referring to AMI as the "Blues" is right - maybe insert "Polka" or "Folk Music" instead! :lol: OK OK, I'm being a biatch here and will give myself a stern talking to! :lol:
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:25 pm

Looks like my old mate Wedgie over on AMI just couldn't help himself....

"Good to see the good folks at ACAM backing our good mate up".

As boorishly predictable as clock work, (and about as interesting :roll: )
David Harvey must be SO proud having you as a regular AMI member Warren :lol:.....I SO envy him :roll:
What you are describing Warren is something called loyalty.....you might wanna look that word up. And while you are at it, look up the word "Dickhead".....I dare say you will probably find a "selfie" :D
I am truly amazed at the apparent AMI "Guest" traffic passing through A/CAM these days. Boys, as Adam has suggested, just do yourselves a favour and sign-up. I will personally approve your applications :D . It really will save you an awful lot of time.
PS: And how brave of you Warren to make comment, when you know I can't reply :roll: . Hey, there is another word for you to look up......"Gutless"
Well, clearly there is more than one way to skin a cat.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:18 pm

Adam the Akrodude wrote:Jeez, I spend a bit of time down the beach catching some sun and waves, flick on A/CAM and behold - Entertainment Plus! This is all pure GOLD! :D

I think David Edwards and David Harvey really should be come members here - c'mon guys, it's fun! :D You both obviously spend a significant amount of time here, so why not join and answer any critics directly - save some time if nothing else! The other major advantage of A/CAM is that entire topics don't disappear. OK, if any posts get out of hand the individual post is removed and discussed with the poster. If three offensive posts happen, it's the 3 strikes and your out. I think there has only been a couple of instances of this and the individuals were warned. So, there is much greater freedom of speech here and we love thread drift (I'm a major offender - o'pps! :oops: ), so long as it's interesting - like the car drift in the 2016 "Predictions" topic.

David Edwards (I know your reading this!) - sir, you are a major reason I left AMI. I'm pretty sure you were happy with me bugging out as well. The whole draconian way people's opinions are stifled and entire topics removed at AMI I found particularly offensive from a freedom of speech perspective. Each to their own, it's a free country and people can choose from many modelling forums and find the one that best suits. Singling out A/CAM members at AMI the way David Edwards did is extraordinary. I wonder what sponsors have to say about a moderator posting those sort of remarks to site members - basically keep ya traps shut or hit the road!

Fascinating to read the comments from WA fire chiefs in regard to LATS/VLATS's. I don't think any of we supports of LATS/VLAT's have said these assets are the only solution, but add a very valuable component to the mix of tools available to counter bush fires. As far as I know, pretty well all other countries that suffer from bush fires use VLAT's/LAT's don't they - oh but Australia is "unique" isn't it! FFS! I as a tax payer am happy to see these amazing aircraft do their thing in this country - helping save lives and property. The authorities no doubt are learning and getting better and better at utilising these amazing assets. I've never understood the thinking that viewing airborne fire fighting solutions are somehow a threat to the road tanker network. Surely the answer is finding the correct mix of these assets to efficiently target, control then stop these large fire events.

Events at AMI lead to the creation of A/CAM, so in a bizarre way we all have AMI to thank for this. :D It's like that blues song by Muddy Waters - "The Blues had a baby and they named it Rock n Roll"! Not sure though if referring to AMI as the "Blues" is right - maybe insert "Polka" or "Folk Music" instead! :lol: OK OK, I'm being a biatch here and will give myself a stern talking to! :lol:

Great post Adam!!!! (and you know that it is not going to get locked or deleted :D )
I as the A/CAM site owner, absolutely agree with you, as the A/CAM site Administrator/Moderator, on EVERY count !!!
I do particularly like the assertion that A/CAM was effectively born from AMI.....that is a very astute and accurate observation.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby oz rb fan » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:42 pm

i was going to reply to wedgie......but then i thought why lower my self to his standard.
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby hrtpaul » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:47 pm

Yeah I'm with you Paul. It's not worth the aggrevation and wasting time on some individuals, not just on forums but life in general. Seriously just let it go Ray. Don't bother feeding trolls mate. There's no point sayin anything cos nothing will change over yonder. Now lets get back to building shit, I mean models yeah :)
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:55 pm

oz rb fan wrote:i was going to reply to wedgie......but then i thought why lower my self to his standard.

I am told that Wally put him in his place. Really though, it should be David Harvey dealing with the likes of that perpetual trouble-maker. In all my time on AMI I never saw one constructive or positive post from Wedgie, and yet, apart from Andrew, I never saw one attempt by the AMI owner or other moderators to try and effectively manage Wedgie. My advice to David Harvey.......do what should have been done a long time ago and ban Wedgie.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby davecana » Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:13 pm

Ahh, some good lively spirited debate. That's the spirit. I just had to add something to this thread.
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby Nillus » Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:33 pm

I'll add something too.

Please remove me from the membership of A/CAM.
Not sure if abusing someone on a public forum is a good idea especially if you wish to increase membership.
However, it's your website.

Goodbye & good luck.
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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:59 pm


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