Terror attacks in Paris

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:47 am

Hi Leigh

Well, a multi-national force did stop the Axis powers during WW2. A multi-national force pushed back the North Koreans. A multi-national force stopped the Malayan Emergency. OK, the Vietnam War ended in tears, but it was always going to be the case because the US in particular did not really ever understand the Vietnamese people or it's history, or ol' Ho Chi Minh for that matter. Perhaps if Kennedy had not been assassinated, things would have been different in Vietnam? Bush Snr totally screwed up by not removing Saddam during Gulf War 1 - mistake no.1. Bush Jnr probably should have left Saddam alone and continued to contain him. Perhaps a civil war would have happened anyway - who knows? The huge failure in Iraq as we know was post war - completely cocked up the occupation in the first stage by getting rid of all the police, public servants and Iraqi army - leading to looting and all those arms depot's stripped of weapons and explosives. The population gets pretty pissed off when there is no power, running water, food - just on gigantic pile of crap! The "Coalition" having started this, should have had the spine to stick with the occupation for at least another 10 years. After so many years of monarchy's then dictatorships ruling Iraq, it will take some time for this country to get it's head around democracy - very difficult with either side of Islam hating each other! Perhaps Iraq needs to be split along religious lines - Sunni's to the west, Shiite's to the east (kind of like India & Pakistan)? Weren't the lines drawn in the sand after WW1 in this region by Britain totally cocked up. Iraq was always so pissed off with the creation of Kuwait by the Brits (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Iraq. The west pulling out of Iraq so early and doing nothing about the Syrian civil war was a gigantic mistake and lead to the creation of ISIS. We brought this shit onto ourselves.

I do not agree that all we should do is strengthen our defences at home. For arguments sake, that won't help Aussie tourists travelling to Europe if say an airliner gets blown up in flight, or ISIS terrorists assault a airport somewhere outside of Australia. We have to be thinking globally as a species to eradicate this evil once and for all. Dropping bombs on ISIS is not the entire solution, but part of the solution. Taking out senior ISIS leadership surgically will degrade their efforts. Al Qaeda has been greatly reduced in effectiveness, Taliban are still of course in many parts of Afghanistan, but as I understand it, they have different aims and M.O from ISIS. A deal will most likely be done with various Taliban leaders in Afghanistan. What happens when USA pulls out of Afghanistan is anyone's guess. I 100% agree with the West invading Afghanistan to rid that country of it's oppressive Taliban government, as this country was being used as a base for terrorism. The west has brought this mess onto ourselves and we cannot sit back and just shore up the defences hoping nothing will happen to us.

The only way to tackle this issue is head on - bombs on targets followed by boots on the ground. Syria and Nth Western Iraq must be occupied and a administration put in place to sort this shit out! ISIS is pure and utter evil and needs a great deal of "violence" unleashed upon it. There is no ignoring or trying to diplomatically negotiate with this organisation. Measures have and are being taken locally to reduce the attractiveness of ISIS to the young generation. This takes time. Young people have always been attracted to conflict - think of those who joined the French Foreign Legion or joined the fighting in Spain, etc, There is that element coming to effect. Let's face it, most young males haven't a bloody clue! I did not start to "see the light" of common-sense until I was 25! Young minds have way more access to all kinds of information these days via the web. Perhaps this needs to be controlled somehow? We love our freedoms, but at what cost? Censorship is a tough one, but anyone who posts such hate publically must suffer the full consequences for these actions, both here and abroad. One by one these dealers in death will be eradicated - has to happen. The young generation will finally get the message that ISIS is in fact uncool and a pack of douche-bag losers and all go back to their Playstation's and X-Box's (perhaps this issue of these "shoot-em-up" games needs addressing as well?).

I think the western powers and Russia needs to declare war on ISIS and get rid of this evil. What the hell do we have our armed forces for if not to carry out this sort of task? Syria and western Iraq needs to be occupied. Not so sure about Israel becoming involved. This will just upset the entire Arab world - mainly Iran and Saudi Arabia. Israel just needs to look after defending its own turf for now. Israel would indeed sort a lot of this shit out, but I fear this would escalate things in the region.

Got to say this is a great discussion! Other forums have locked down such discussions - so much for freedom of speech! We've all got different opinions and can discuss this most important topic in a civilised way. We're all armchair theorist/strategists/generals and can't do anything other than continue to pay our taxes and vote once every 3 years for what is hopefully the party that will better serve our country :roll: I am for taking the fight directly to this most horrid enemy. I do wish our government success in clear thinking/decision making in this regard and our outstanding armed forces in the region every success in their appointed tasks. The time for pussy-footing around this issue is over!
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby F-27pax » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:40 pm

Ray and Adam . It's nice that you think that I am considerate, humane and all that. I'm not. I just think that shaking our little fists and sending off a dozen Rafaels to blow up a few bits and pieces isn't the way to take care of this problem. At its core, the problem is that those guys are waging what they think of as total war with all the weapons at their disposal and we are pussy footing around the problem. If those guys want total war then we should give it to them. And they wouldn't like it because, militarily at least, we are so much better at it than they are. As I said previously, the Romans would have had no compunction at doing what needs to be done, but our culture does. If I thought we could get all those guys together in one place and nuke them to get rid of the problem I'd be among the first to put my hand up. The problem is, the world doesn't work that way these days. There are some philosophical problems in all this, let me mention a couple.

The first is that the values that our society holds to be most precious are the ones that make us most vulnerable. Human rights for example. If we (by which I mean 'western' society) decide to get rid of that mob in the most efficient way possible, which involves a lot of blowing things up and killing people, a lot of innocent bystanders are going to get killed or severely damaged. Do we want that? Are we willing to pay the price of all the 'western' lives that would be spent in invading and dominating the lands of those people for the coming twenty years? What about freedom of movement and association? What about freedom of religion? Are we willing or able to keep them for ourselves and deny them to others, up to the point of killing those people?

The second point, if we harden our hearts and decide to go to total war, and do all the terrible things that would need to be done, would that make us any better than them? We wouldn't hold the moral high ground that suits us so well now. Like the war between western democracies and fascism (and the cold war between capitalism and communism), we are now looking at a war between belief structures. I think that they are completely mad to think as they do, and they think the same thing about me. The difference is that they hate me and want to get rid of me, I think they are a bunch of unfortunates who don't think right and that something should be done to either get rid of them or make them think right. In their world they think they have the right to change everyone's way of thinking to their way, in my world we are all free to think as we consider best. Where does that leave us?

The other point to consider is the nature of the war they are waging against us. Since the time of Napoleon wars have been fought by industrialized nations in which the strength of the national economy behind the national army is at least as important as the strength of the army. This worked okay in many recent occasions when nation states fought industrial wars (Arab-Israel for example) but when one side fights an insurgent war and can refuse to fight industrial scale battles, the power has moved from the side that has the most powerful armies to the side with the most agile forces. As was shown in Vietnam and elsewhere, you can fly as many B-52 missions as you like but if the enemy ignores them you are wasting your time.

Some final thoughts. For as long as there has been human history there are been people in different places holding entirely divergent views about the meaning of life and how we should live their lives. This did not matter until after World War II when the world got a whole lot more mobile and these divergent views came into much more common conflict. In this case, many of the ways of life that those people are trying to bring back were commonplace place for centuries in the Muslim world and nobody did anything about it. In the past those beliefs and ways doing things were restricted geographically but these days the Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and all the rest have to share the same planet, and we are having trouble doing it because those faith structures declare that all the others are wrong. And here we are... My guess is that we can have as much dialogue and negotiation as we like, but one of these days it will come down to the simple use of brutal violence to resolve problems - and it it comes to that the 'western' world knows a lot more about violence and how to apply it than does the Muslim world.

Besides, for something like four hundred years the 'western' world, Europe specifically, imported all kinds of war and domination to the rest of the world though the wars of imperialism fought against other races and cultures. Look what westerners did to China, India, South America and Africa - just to name a few - in which all kinds of nasty things were done to the natives because we thought of ourselves with white skins as being superior and therefore having the right to do what we liked with inferior people. Perhaps the middle east is just fighting back.

Enough nurse, where are those 727 undercarriage parts again.

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:33 pm

The 10 Mirages/Rafales was just a reaction from the hip - of course not going to really achieve anything. If the western world wants to stop this, it can. Perhaps in the big scheme of things, it's necessary to have an "enemy" - who knows? The war in Bosnia was stopped when the "West" had enough. The world has stood by and watched 200,000+ Syrians be killed and with millions flooding out of the country into Europe. How much longer will the western world accept this? Europe is struggling enough without having to find shelter and food for a few million Syrians, Somali's, Libyans, Sudanese, Afghani, etc, etc refugees. The civil war in Syria has now reached across borders. How long before it reaches us? Geographically we're in a much better position than Europe of course.

You're not quite right on the B-52 "effect" in Vietnam. Sure during the early Rolling Thunder period and lot of monkey's were killed and trees turned into matchsticks plus a lot of NVA wiped out up on the trail. When Nixon unleased the BUFF's over Hanoi in December 72, it had a pretty profound effect and stopped the war for USA allowing the troops and POW's to come home. This of course didn't help the South, but the South was always going to fall. Airpower can be used to massive effect. It just takes the political will to use it. BUFF's apparently took out many thousands of Iraqi Republican Guards using fuel/air weapons in Gulf War 1. Identifying targets of course is way harder now as ISIS embeds itself with civilians - using them as shields. Tragically more civilians will die, but many are being murdered as is being reported in any case.

There are lots of words and sabre rattling at the moment by western leader - let's see if they actually do something now. I can only see more boots on the ground in Syria as the only viable solution if it's decided to eliminate ISIS. Still, how many died in Rwanda - a million plus whilst the world watched on. And the human race reckons it's "civilised"? :roll:
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby F-27pax » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:12 pm

I think we may be moving into a position of furious agreement on this one. An old RAAF friend of mine (an Air Commodore in fact) once explained to me that the point of war was to 'take and hold ground'. Air power can be a great help, but only boots on the ground can do it.


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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:25 pm

Our ex-imperious leader has apparently said as much today. Must watch the news tonight. The western world has pretty tame leadership at the moment let's face it. Putin is the only one I think trying to take charge of this dreadful mess - not suggesting he's going about it the right way. Be very interesting to see the response from the western world plus Russia now.

Damn, we need a decent pub and some tasty snacks to discuss this sort of stuff! :D

How are those 727'S going Leigh? My big 262 is about to get a lick of paint. Can't believe the effect this bloody site is having on me. I'm seriously considering building a 1/72 DC-3 - what the hell is happening to me - AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!


Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby F-27pax » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:00 pm

Adam, is that a DC-3 or a C-47 you're thinking about?

At the moment there are two 727s looking at me and making me feel most guilty. I've spent just about every waking hour this past week or so working on the index for my civil Australian aviation history for the period 1900-1939. It should be available as an ebook in a few weeks, at least my publisher is urging me on the get it done soon. If there is any job in the world worse than indexing I have yet to discover it. My brain has turned to bread and butter pudding.

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:30 am

Hi Leigh

Being inspired by a DC-3 build Barney did some time ago has just got the wheels turning in my brain. Seeing that extraordinary DC-3 build I posted has also inspired me. I can't achieve what this builder has in a reasonable amount of time (when considering all the other builds I have planned), but there are some natural metal techniques I want to investigate such as those "Rub n Buff" type finishes which I think would be perfect for 1/72 and perhaps 1/48. So, I want to build a Dak - either DC-3 or C-47 at some stage - perhaps with some AM "bling" added. Mind blowing the riveting shown in my post of that DC-3. So many rivets on the Dak are raised though and it has those overlapping plates. I'm thinking of buying the latest Airfix C-47 and seeing what can be done with it. Any other Dak kits that can be recommended anyone?

Back to the "solution" to this issues over in the Giant Sandpit, here's a start!



Yeah, I know I'm being silly and the answer is more likely small JDAM's and the soon to be fielded SDB with selectable yield, still the MOAB kicks serious ass and dropping a couple would send a pretty big message if a suitable target(s) can be found - thinking of course to minimise civilian casualties as the local population has and is going through hell in Syria and parts of Iraq.
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:40 am

Adam the Akrodude wrote:Back to the "solution" to this issues over in the Giant Sandpit, here's a start!

And finish.....depending on what falls out of that belly of the big BUFF :D .......jihad this you ISIS bastards!!!
What a magnificent photo!!!
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:45 am

Does really show just how big that weapon is. Takes out one square mile apparently.
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:32 pm

Words fail me!!!. I am just sickened by the on-going, out-of-control, antics of these sub-human, gutless, rock-apes!!!
http://tundratabloids.com/2015/10/more- ... mic-state/
Honestly, no more talk.....it really is time to nuke these pricks!!. I would be happy to be the one to push the "launch" button. A little bit of Tomahawk nuke-tipped cruse missile "therapy" would go along way towards sorting these dickheads out.
tor lives
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