Terror attacks in Paris

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:30 am

Time for some payback - French AF style!

Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:39 pm

Adam the Akrodude wrote:Time for some payback - French AF style!


She's been blocked
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:04 pm

tor lives wrote:
Adam the Akrodude wrote:Time for some payback - French AF style!


She's been blocked

Hmm? It opens for me. The vid just shows Mirage and Rafale's launching at night - on way to Raqqa.
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:38 pm

Adam the Akrodude wrote:
tor lives wrote:
Adam the Akrodude wrote:Time for some payback - French AF style!


She's been blocked

Hmm? It opens for me. The vid just shows Mirage and Rafale's launching at night - on way to Raqqa.

OK..... it's back!!!
I would hope that they are all loaded with belly-loads full of "instant sunshine" :D
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:03 pm

It's a bloody shame that so many innocent people have died before the "civilised" world has decided up the ante against ISIS. This gradual escalation failed during the Vietnam War with the "Rolling Thunder" campaign. These evil bastards need to be hit and hit hard! The sortie rate over Iraq and Syria has been much lower in recent times when compared to that over Afghanistan. Why this is I've no idea, but it's low. It may be targets are so hard to identify, restrictive R.O.E?? I just think boots on the ground is the only solution - a combined NATO/Russian force to destroy ISIS once and for all, to occupy Syria and north western Iraq and be the "administrators until some kind of government can be formed in time. Why the F#CK do all our respective countries have armed forces and they are not being used to the degree required whilst hundreds of thousands of people have been slaughtered and millions displaced as refugees? This is madness folks. Now that Russia is involved and Putin and Obama have been seen talking together at the G20, it is time a unified approach is agreed upon to fix this bloody mess.
ISIS is like a cancer and must be destroyed - not be left to grow. Why as a species are we so useless at containing and stopping these sorts of conflicts? We've had Rwanda (what was it around 1 million dead), Bosnia (tens of thousands killed) and now Syria (200,000+ killed, millions displaced). WTF did European nations think was going to happen - Syrians were going to just sit in their homes waiting to be blown up? Of course they were going to flood out of their country.
A multi-national alliance was formed during WW2 to defeat the Axis powers - it's time for Russia and NATO to sit down and fix this mess!

Rant over!
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:18 pm

Five words:
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby F-27pax » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:03 pm

Adam, we've already had a go at the multi-nation alliance and that didn't work What happened in Afghanistan and Iraq? Western nations are still organized to fight World War III, not an insurgent war in a globalized society where anyone can go anywhere very cheaply and easily. That kind of war can only be fought by strengthening our defenses at home, not blowing people up overseas. That means all kinds of intrusions into personal liberties (perhaps such as getting parcels from overseas, even Hannants), but at least people over there and over here are less likely to get killed like the people in Paris did. This is a very complex problem driven by personal greeds and ambitions, if it was a simple problem it would have already been solved.

Of course, the Romans would have known what to do. March in, crucify every tenth person and then bring in legions from some far part of the empire to keep the peace, ruthlessly. We've moved on a bit from then, and we're paying for it.

Interesting solution Ray. As I recall it, the Israel state came about as a result of a lot of Zionist zelots employing terrorist tactics to get what they wanted. Any similarities?

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:49 pm

F-27pax wrote:Interesting solution Ray. As I recall it, the Israel state came about as a result of a lot of Zionist zelots employing terrorist tactics to get what they wanted. Any similarities?

No similarities at all as far as I am concerned Leigh. I don't recall the "terrorist" you refer to above flying 767s into the World Trade Centres, or blowing up civilians in trains and buses in England and Spain, or blowing up civilians in night clubs in Bali, or getting their 10 year old sons to proudly hold up the freshly decapitated heads of their victims, or shooting civilians in a coffee shop in Sydney, or attempting to kill police officers in Melbourne, or blowing up civilian's in restaurants, sports stadiums, and theatres in Paris. This group of terrorists are a whole different kettle of fish to the ones you are referring to. I guess it is fortunate that I am not the French Defence Minister or one of the American Joint Chiefs at the moment, because if that were the case.....all known ISIS,(and sympathiser), strongholds would now be glowing, smoking, very big holes in the ground. Please excuse my emotive and very subjective response but I am just so done with these murderous, sub-human, rock-ape, thugs running a muck around the globe and not being held to account. As for my Israeli invite "to the party".....they are the one country that has a proven and truly effective track record of dealing with these types of animals.
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby F-27pax » Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:03 am

Ray. The Zionists used the tools of terror that were available to them the same way that the current crop are using the tools available to them. Boeing 747s have got a lot to answer for.

As for thinking of those people as sub-human animals. Your emotive response is understandable - my first reaction was emotive too. But these people are not going to be beaten if we think of them as less than human and less capable of rational thought that we are. The fact that they have achieved as much as they have means that they have become very adept at using the weapons available to them. We have to find ways of beating them at their game, not trying to beat them with our weapons which have proved not very useful so far. I was reading an article recently which said that if the only tool you have at your disposal is a hammer then you have to think of the things you want to deal with as nails. The trouble is that while we only have weapons that are as cumbersome as hammers, the terrorists aren't nails, they are hoards of cockroaches scurrying about. You can hit some of them, but not them all. We need weapons that get all of them. Blowing up lots of things in the middle east might make us feel better, but it isn't going to resolve the situation. If anything, it will only make matters worse.

What's the solution? Don't ask me. If I knew that I wouldn't be sitting here making models of 727s.

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:11 am

F-27pax wrote:Ray. The Zionists used the tools of terror that were available to them the same way that the current crop are using the tools available to them. Boeing 747s have got a lot to answer for.

As for thinking of those people as sub-human animals. Your emotive response is understandable - my first reaction was emotive too. But these people are not going to be beaten if we think of them as less than human and less capable of rational thought that we are. The fact that they have achieved as much as they have means that they have become very adept at using the weapons available to them. We have to find ways of beating them at their game, not trying to beat them with our weapons which have proved not very useful so far. I was reading an article recently which said that if the only tool you have at your disposal is a hammer then you have to think of the things you want to deal with as nails. The trouble is that while we only have weapons that are as cumbersome as hammers, the terrorists aren't nails, they are hoards of cockroaches scurrying about. You can hit some of them, but not them all. We need weapons that get all of them. Blowing up lots of things in the middle east might make us feel better, but it isn't going to resolve the situation. If anything, it will only make matters worse.

What's the solution? Don't ask me. If I knew that I wouldn't be sitting here making models of 727s.


Your calmness, humanity, and logic is of course correct and most appropriate Leigh. The fact remains however that these rock-apes do not deserve the privilege of being considered human, (just visit the morgues and hospitals in Paris at the moment to understand my point). As far as I am concerned they have voided any and all rights and considerations that go along with that definition. As said in another post on this thread, there is only one thing these animals understand, and we are now at a point where we need to deliver that in spades. As they have become adept at using the weapons available to them, we now also must do the same to rid the planet of this cancer. We did it with the 3rd Reich and we need to do it again with ISIS. No compromise, no conciliation.......we are WAY past that.
tor lives
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