Ready for Takeoff

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Ready for Takeoff

Postby RayS » Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:45 pm

I am surprised this has not come up yet, especially from our glorious leader!

Airing Friday nights at 7:30 on Channel 9/WIN, a series on QANTAS in the airline/airport format we have seen with overseas airlines and airport.

Ready for Takeoff

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Re: Ready for Takeoff

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:12 pm

Welcome to my world!!!!, (well....up until a couple of weeks ago anyway).
I just left that crazy, high stress, chaos and BS, (with my sanity barely intact)......why would I want to revisit it every Friday night???
It's what you won't see that really curls your hair, (they weren't paying me enough to put up with some of that crap).
Ya never know, I might even have a cameo in one or two episodes :D
PS: you can all read about it in my book :D
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Re: Ready for Takeoff

Postby Graeme H » Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:08 am

Actually I'm with TOR on this, although I did watch it, it's been 9 years since I went through all that and not that keen on revisiting it at all, odd how some memories aren't that great.

I'm so way over dealing with a groups who don't have their sh*t together, and my groups were often a lot of military, who one tends to assume are organised HA (not)
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Re: Ready for Takeoff

Postby RHB785 » Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:27 am

:D, Graeme, When I joined the RAAF at Recruiting Sydney there was a SqnLdr who took our attestations. RayS would also know this saying. This Officer asked us if anyone knew the RAAF's motto. Having been in the Air Cadets I proudly stuck my mit in the the air and he said " alright, go ahead Blackford tell us." I said "Per Ardua Ad Astra, Sir, meaning Through Adverstity to the Stars." He looked at me with a cheeky grin on his dial and said "Nah, BS. Try Hurry Up and Wait. Gentlemen this'll be your motto for the rest of your service careers." And truthfully, he wasn't wrong.

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Re: Ready for Takeoff

Postby tor lives » Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:12 am

Graeme H wrote:, odd how some memories aren't that great.

Agreed Graeme...while I am certainly not missing that "insane asylum" (aka Melbourne Airport), I am missing the people. The Qantas Melbourne Airport staff are some of the very best, most professional, and finest people I have ever had the privilege of working with. I will always consider myself blessed for the time I spent with them. So remember folks, the next time you fly, be nice to the airline staff, all they are trying to do is get you and yours where you want to go safely and expediently.
PS: As Graeme has indicated, it's amazing how the groups you think would be most organised are in fact the least. The recent Cricket World Cup......what an absolute rolling cluster f@#k :roll:
tor lives
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