I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:44 pm

Apparently we're supposed to chant in Latin..
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby tor lives » Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:58 am

I take great pleasure and personal satisfaction in knowing this :D

http://australianaviation.com.au/2015/0 ... australia/

This is where I get to say "I told you so" to those self-appointed "experts" on that other model site :lol: who, for years, put shit on me and tried to talk me down, (even to the point of having my posts locked/deleted etc), for daring to suggest that we need VLATs/LATs in this country, (you know....only the single most fire-prone country on the planet, with the highest bush/wild fire-related death rates per head of population of any country on earth.....stats don't lie!!!).
For the last few fire seasons now, successive VIC and NSW Governments have "seen the light" and bought out to Australia fleets of VLAT/LAT DC-10s, CV-580s, C-130s, and BAe146s that have proven so effective and vital in other bush/wild fire-pone countries, and all I can say is FINALLY common sense prevails, (only took decades for the "penny to drop", but better late than never) .
To those "experts" on that other model site I simply say..... how's your argument looking now boys???".
If it looks like I am blatantly taking advantage of the fact that I am using my own site to get my point across.....ya dam right I am, and I make no apology for it :D....consider it privilege of site ownership :lol:....got a funny feeling this post won't be locked or deleted.

tor lives
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby RayS » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:39 am

Lovely looking aircraft, I like the way they have applied NSW Rural Firefighting Service markings to the aircraft.

Pete where are the decals for this! :D

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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby tor lives » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:44 am

RayS wrote:Lovely looking aircraft, I like the way they have applied NSW Rural Firefighting Service markings to the aircraft.

Pete where are the decals for this! :D

Yeah Ray....I think the NSW RFS crest is a nice touch, and suggests a certain level of "ownership". Great for morale of the front-line fire-fighting troops on the ground.
tor lives
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby hrtpaul » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:54 am

Bahahahahahaha I told ya so. Love it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: And a very nice looking scheme I reckon. Unfortunately nowhere to put a lot of my models let alone a Herc :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:09 am

hrtpaul wrote:Bahahahahahaha I told ya so. Love it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: And a very nice looking scheme I reckon. Unfortunately nowhere to put a lot of my models let alone a Herc :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sounds like someone needs a man cave! :lol:

With a house full of females, I reckon I'd go stark raving bonkers without my man cave. I do have to buy a display cabinet - thanks for the heads up on that one you have Troy. I'll be buying one of those - for the "company" of course!

Re the tanker news in NSW - ah pure logic and common sense reign supreme! In my opinion, there was a lot of illogical argument over at that other site regarding LAT/VLAT op's here plus a few other topics. Express a opinion over there different from the "Chosen few" and expect to be drowned with abuse! Discussions would often get more and more heated until the entire topic was removed - bit bloody draconian! I believe if certain individual posts get insulting or abusive, they should be removed, but not the entire topic. It is healthy to be able to discuss and debate certain topics in a adult way. It's rare for everyone to have exactly the same opinion on a subject.
In regard to LAT/VLAT though, I'm 100% in favour! :D Even if they sit on the apron never used. It's insurance against disaster. How many thousands of homes are located up on ridge lines outside of Sydney and up in the hills around Melbourne? People there love the bush and the beautiful views, that's great - pity about all that explosive fuel surrounding them. It's a life style choice of course, but one that is a little riskier than say living in other areas. I am a little biased in this regard having lived through two major bush fires back in the late 60's. My parents built a home on a ridgeline in Warrandyte and our house was almost destroyed twice - fire burnt literally right to the back door! Evacuating Warrandyte one time, we had fire leap right over the Volksie - lucky we had a CFA tanker following us and spraying down our car! The thing is, there are certain choke points in these high risk locations in Melbourne and Sydney - only one road in and out. If for arguments sake a fire races from ridge to ridge, there just isn't time to deploy road tankers and people can be cut off - it's happening too fast - as seen horrifically up in Healesville on Black Saturday. What if at one of these choke points a lot of cars are caught in smoke with fire ragging all around? People will be praying for a LAT/VLAT to save them! Remember the argument that VLATS cause more damage to properties than they save? Oh that was a good one! Hmmm, why are so many countries using them then? FFS! I'd pray for water damage over fire damage any day! I think since Black Saturday, attitudes have changed in relation to having every available fire fighting asset available - a multilayered approach. Honestly, I would sleep a lot better knowing that rapidly responding VLATs are available if I lived up in the Blue Mountains or in the hills surrounding Melbourne. I won't ever live in those areas - too chicken, BAWK, BWAK, BWAK! I've lived through bush fires - been there done that got the t-shirt! I also paid back my dues owed to the CFA (who saved my parents house twice and possible our lives once) by being a CFA volunteer back in the 80's and early 90's - mainly attending small local fires down on the Peninsula and attending road accidents (nasty)! Of course I do not profess to be any kind of expert in this field - it's just my opinion of course.

Let's hope these assets will not be needed. Thank goodness they are there!
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby tor lives » Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:04 pm

Adam the Akrodude wrote: Let's hope these assets will not be needed. Thank goodness they are there!

Amen to that!!!!, as you quiet rightly point out Adam...these vital, effective, and proven VLAT/LAT aircraft need to be here each fire season as an additional fire-fighting tool and "insurance policy". Clearly the NSW and VIC Governments now see the inherent wisdom in having these truly amazing and life/property saving fire-fighting assets here, on the ground, and ready to go at a moments notice. If anyone ever doubts VLAT/LAT efficiency and effectiveness in their role, just review what they have achieved over the last few weeks in the USA, (that DC-10 in full fire-fighting mode is just AWESOME to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG06xAbBf3Q :shock: ). I vividly remember the ridiculous anti-VLAT/LAT arguments on the other model site, to the effect that "they will cause more damage to property than what they will prevent" :roll: and let's not forget the classic "but Australia's fires are uniquely different making VLATs/LATs ineffective here :roll: :roll: .....yeah right. Clearly the NSW and VIC Governments agree with you boys :lol:. Well done to both State Governments concerned for finally righting this wrong, and getting "the right and most appropriate tool for the right job" here. Sleep easier tonight Blue Mountains residents :D
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby tor lives » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:28 pm

Here is what was based in VIC last year, (and wasn't it comforting knowing they were here).
PS: did we mention how "useless" these things are :lol: :lol:
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby Knotty » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:47 pm

Great to see them back in the country. I remember a certain bloke on that other site telling us in no uncertain terms that there were no Sky cranes in the country. When I pointed out that we in fact had one at Essendon , and one at Ballarat .......there was no response!!! :lol: :lol: and on top of all this , the person concerned was supposedly the air craft fire director for the CFA in Victoria . Now I'm just a simple man , but I would of thought that if anyone would know these Aircraft were here ,it would be him !!! :shock: :shock: All a bit embarrassing really ....... :lol: :lol:
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Re: I case ya don't know....I LOVE VLATs

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:03 pm

Yo bitches!

We're all a pack of bitches - when VLATs are concerned! :lol: Hey TOR is sworn allegiance to all things VLAT plus op's in this country compulsory yet for site membership? You were going to review site rules and code of conduct in this regard? I'm still a little worried about my own plans to build Vietnam era A-26 and OV-10A rather than in fire bomber/fire spotter roles - PLEASE FORGIVE ME! :oops: I will build a fire bomber A-26 down the track - PROMISE!

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