PC police stike again...

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PC police stike again...

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:11 pm

Come on, this was pretty funny for an advertisement, but nooooo someone has to get their knickers in a knot about it, naturally.

http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-up ... 6893051885

Reminds me of the travel advert that said "Phuket, let's go!". That was another classic.

Re: PC police stike again...

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:06 pm

Having spent my early childhood years being exposed to the horror of domestic violence up-close and personal....I see NOTHING funny about that ad whatsoever, and I absolutely concur with those who were offended by it... and asked for it's removal, (and well done to the Avalon Airport management for their immediate response). Come on Brad......are you that oblivious and/or insensitive to the headlines in the last week or two???.....people have died mate!!!, nothing funny about that at all!!. Taking this ad down is not PC, it is just doing the right thing and correcting an error of judgement. It's called having consideration and respect for others.....now there's an interesting concept to ponder.
tor lives
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Re: PC police stike again...

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:04 pm

But why must we always side with those who are offended? This is my problem with society, anytime people are offended with something, there are calls for it to be banned/censored/removed by the PC police. That would be like me calling for all jokes about strokes to be banned because dad had one, but I don't and I never will tell someone they can't say something because I find it offensive. Everyone wants consideration without giving consideration to those who think controversial things are funny. It's the same regarding free speech, which is quickly becoming free speech, so long as I agree with you. As for headlines in the last week or two, a few people were killed. So? Unless it is someone who is connected to me, I don't care. Nearly 118,000 have died today as I write this, if we were upset about everyone who dies each day that we don't know, no one would ever get out of bed!

At what point do we stop this taking offense at things? Are we being inconsiderate building Japanese machines of war that killed Australians? Am I offensive because I put swastikas on my Luftwaffe fighter planes? I just saw on the news that a surgical clinic had the RSL complaining to them because they offered 2 free tickets to the footy on ANZAC Day for women who came in to consult about breast enlargement, saying it was 'offensive' because the business is profiteering off the day. So, it's not offensive to play professional sport on ANZAC Day and have the AFL and players profiteer, but offensive for a business to offer tickets to the match for customers? What if a woman having a consultation was a breast cancer survivor? Is that still offensive?

People can't preach freedom while wanting censorship of anything they find offensive . Freedom of speech means the right to offend and anything short of that is Fascism.

Re: PC police stike again...

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:16 pm

_BlackHawk_ wrote: a few people were killed. So? Unless it is someone who is connected to me, I don't care.
Freedom of speech means the right to offend .

What a wonderful ambassador you are for your generation Brad, your parents must be very proud :roll:
You want the freedom to offend...fine!!! just not on my site pal !!!
You don't like how I run this site Brad, then take your bad manners, agitating, lack-of-respect, and soap box somewhere else, (although you are fast running out of model site options).
Brad....do you understand yet why you keep getting booted off model sites???...is it everyone else, or is it you perhaps??
Under the A/CAM banning policy consider this your 2nd strike
This is a model site Brad......not your own personal political platform or band-standing area.
Last edited by tor lives on Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
tor lives
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Re: PC police stike again...

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:25 pm

How does saying that get me a warning? I take this DIRECTLY off your code of conduct;

A/CAM actively encourages, supports, and advocates robust, respectful, and healthy membership forum discussion and participation, where the right to freedom-of-speech and personal view and opinion will always be recognised, respected, up-held, protected, and valued. Individual expressions of opinion will never be needlessly censored, edited, or otherwise manipulated or discouraged just because the site owner/officers, (or indeed other members), may not agree with the individual or find a given subject not to their liking or interest. ln short, you are invited to talk about whatever you like as often as you like in the relevant forum, as long as the comments are respectful, legal, and in keeping with the site code of conduct requirements mentioned below.

I don't mind you not agreeing with me, but I think you are now unfairly punishing me because you don't agree with me. I'm not attacking you, intimidating you, bullying you or harassing you. I haven't done any of those things just by saying I don't care if someone I don't know or isn't connected to me dies and saying what freedom of speech means to me and besides which, I got it from Penn and Teller.

Re: PC police stike again...

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:36 pm

_BlackHawk_ wrote:How does saying that get me a warning? I take this DIRECTLY off your code of conduct;

A/CAM actively encourages, supports, and advocates robust, respectful, and healthy membership forum discussion and participation, where the right to freedom-of-speech and personal view and opinion will always be recognised, respected, up-held, protected, and valued. Individual expressions of opinion will never be needlessly censored, edited, or otherwise manipulated or discouraged just because the site owner/officers, (or indeed other members), may not agree with the individual or find a given subject not to their liking or interest. ln short, you are invited to talk about whatever you like as often as you like in the relevant forum, as long as the comments are respectful, legal, and in keeping with the site code of conduct requirements mentioned below.

I don't mind you not agreeing with me, but I think you are now unfairly punishing me because you don't agree with me. I'm not attacking you, intimidating you, bullying you or harassing you.

Brad....your blatant disrespect for others is just mind-blowing!!! Do you really want to keep on pushing your luck with me???. I am done with your appalling behaviour and disrespect directed towards others both on and off thread over these past few days. I have already received a number of complaints about your conduct on this site.
Once again Brad...you need to ask yourself if it is everyone else or is it you. You are not the poor, little, hard-done-by victim here mate.
Step over the line one more time and you will be banned. Why do you needlessly do this to yourself all the time mate???
We are done here Brad.
tor lives
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Re: PC police stike again...

Postby _BlackHawk_ » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:50 pm

I'm sorry, I can't see how anything in this thread warrants any type of warning.

Re: PC police stike again...

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:54 pm

_BlackHawk_ wrote:I'm sorry, I can't see how anything in this thread warrants any type of warning.

You clearly missed the word RESPECT Brad. And I don't see to many others rushing to your defence here.
Now drop it Brad, I won't ask again. I will lock this thread if you persist.
tor lives
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Re: PC police stike again...

Postby Tony P » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:01 pm

Who's on first? What's on Second? Strike One. Strike two...
You don’t concentrate on risks. You concentrate on results. No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done- Chuck Yeager.
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Re: PC police stike again...

Postby erussell » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:24 pm

_BlackHawk_ wrote:Come on, this was pretty funny for an advertisement,

Some advertising idiot thought "Oh yeah. wow, I'll write something funny and eye-catching making a joke out of domestic violence... it won't stay up long but hopefully they will employ me again to maybe make some humour out of another situation where someone else is suffering.". Anyone who can see anything funny in that advert needs some moral and psychological counselling.
Ed Russell @ Red Roo Models
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