Good AAR Tanker stuff

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Good AAR Tanker stuff

Postby tor lives » Wed May 11, 2016 2:08 pm

Now being an ex "Tanker Wanker" myself I found this youtube grab very interesting.
This footage highlights the inherent risks and dangers of air-to-air refuelling. I myself have personally witnessed occurrences very similar to one or two of the events highlighted in this footage, (once lost a hose between Amberley and Towoomba ......I am sure there would have been one very surprised Darling Downs farmer when he saw what was "growing" in one of his crop fields on that occasion :D )
Check out the very close call between an E-3 and it's KC-135 Tanker :shock: .......soiled flying suits all around on that occasion I reckon.
tor lives
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Re: Good AAR Tanker stuff

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed May 11, 2016 4:04 pm

The E-3 pitch up is mind boggling - that pitch up & down must have been real bad in that E-3 for the crew! I can't imagine that there were no injuries from this. Out of interest, what is the procedure when tanking for crews - all sitting and buckled down?

Tanking from those ol' KC-97s surely must have been a drag for Century series fighters. I've seen a few vid's in the past on hoses wrapped around noses and ripping off probes - must be quite a drag also when say low on fuel and seeing that happen with a tanker with only one hose - sigh! Naval op's over water at night with only one hose from a tanker, or say single engine fighters transiting over water and issues tanking and then having to consider going for a swim in Atlantic or Pacific sure would make the poopie valve tighten somewhat. Special breed military aviators!
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Re: Good AAR Tanker stuff

Postby tor lives » Wed May 11, 2016 9:11 pm

Yep, fighter crews make movies, bomber crews make history.....but Tanker crews make it all possible.
As we used to say to the Hornet drivers....."without our gas ya can't kick arse" :

As to SOPs/crew disposition during tanker ops, as I recall......."Prior to entering refuelling cycle Loadmaster/Cabin Supervisor must ensure that cabin is secure, and all crew/cabin occupants are secure in assigned crew positions/cabin seats with approved harnesses worn correctly. Loadmaster/Cabin Supervisor will confirm with Mission Coordinator that cabin is secure and aircraft ready prior to the commencement of refuelling activity. Cabin to remain secure with Seat Belts /No Smoking signs illuminated until completion of all refuelling activity"........straight from the book :D
tor lives
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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:01 am

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