Coming in the new year

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Coming in the new year

Postby tor lives » Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:53 pm

Hi guys,
As things are starting to settle down a little now, after what has been a truly tumultuous 16 or so months for me personally and professionally, I can now fully turn my attention and focus back to this site. Following nearly six months of annoying and frustrating site unreliability and instability, (still can't access any other tabs except the forum :roll: ), and some pretty second-rate, very ordinary, and lack-lustre follow-up customer service and performance from our current site hosts, I have identified a new site host and maintainer. I will be moving the site over to our new hosts early in the new year. At this time the site will undergo it's biggest overhaul since it's inception. Significant changes will include hassle-free sign-ins (hopeful), tab access (of which several will disappear anyway, as they were not being used), a more stream-line forum choice, (with the deletion of those forums that are not being utilised), simplified and more-user-friendly image upload capability, and generally better site technical reliability and stability. As I am sure you will all agree, these changes are more than over-due, but seem to be beyond the abilities of the current site host. I hope you are all as excited by this change-over and these upcoming improvements as I am. The core group of A/CAMers and sponsors have been a fiercely loyal, supportive, and committed group since we launched A/CAM, and I owe it to you all to bring you a better site. That is my commitment to you and it will happen soon.
tor lives
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby Graeme H » Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:28 pm

It can only be for the good, have had a lot of trouble with the site compared to others
Onwards and upwards I say
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:48 pm

Sounds great Ray - onward and upwards for 2016!


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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby tor lives » Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:17 pm

Graeme H wrote: a lot of trouble with the site compared to others

That's duly noted Graeme and something of which I am acutely aware. It is worth bearing in mind however that I have been trying my best to address these issues while, at the same time, dealing with some major personal and professional upheavals. Please also remember that I am effectively self-funding this site and all it's activities for the enjoyment and benefit of all A/CAMers, (and that ain't a cheap proposition as anyone who has set up and run their own site would know).
tor lives
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby RayS » Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:56 am


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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby hrtpaul » Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:14 pm

Great to hear Ray. This is the first site I log into when I get on the net. Great bunch of blokes mostly (Looking at you Damo :twisted: ) without the usual bullshit, pettiness and pathetic egos that infect other sites. Once I acquire some employment I'm more than happy to contribute to the funding of this site as I do really enjoy my time here. A big thanks to you Ray for building what I think is one of the best modelling forums on the net :)
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:16 pm

hrtpaul wrote:Great to hear Ray. This is the first site I log into when I get on the net. Great bunch of blokes mostly (Looking at you Damo :twisted: ) without the usual bullshit, pettiness and pathetic egos that infect other sites. Once I acquire some employment I'm more than happy to contribute to the funding of this site as I do really enjoy my time here. A big thanks to you Ray for building what I think is one of the best modelling forums on the net :)

Here Here!

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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby F-27pax » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:03 pm

I'm delighted to hear the news. But, Ray, I'm even more delighted to read that your life has settled to the stage that you have the time, energy and resources to do all this for our happy little band.

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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby tor lives » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:25 pm

Thanks lads, I certainly appreciate your continued support and understanding. Together we will continue to grow and evolve the A/CAM site so that it achieves it's maximum potential. I want this to be YOUR site, and one that you are proud of.
PS: Leigh....I have not forgotten your 727-100s, and have them here for you.
tor lives
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Re: Coming in the new year

Postby F-27pax » Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:51 am

You are an even finer fellow, Ray. Send them along and send me a message about how much I owe you.

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