Aviation Memorabilia

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Aviation Memorabilia

Postby VH-WAL » Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:39 pm

I have had this poster in a tube for 15 years! Signed by many of the participants in the London Sydney Air Race 2000 as well as the PM at the time little Johnny Howard, it was a really boozy post race party / dinner. My role in the race was an ATC specialist official and flew mostly in the RFDS Cessna Titan VH-WZM. My last leg from Cooly was in the Grumman Albatross.
Anyway I rediscovered the tube after one of my periodic cleanups, I figured I either had to toss it or frame it. so I ended up block mounting it..now where to hang the bloody thing

plus one of my current projects, hope to finish this in the remaining days of the year,,depends if the decals arrive in time. She is gonna be an Eastern Airlines Silver Fleet jobbie

Jaysus did she need dome filling and and sanding!
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Re: Aviation Memorabilia

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:54 pm

That's very cool Wally! Of course you must hang this in the "Pool room"! :D Any notable signatures we may know? It must have been one hell of a adventure - very cool getting a ride in a Albatross. Was it pretty noisy inside?

I have a couple of aviation prints hanging inside the house (I have a separate man-cave/office) which the good lady wife just barely tolerates. I will have to get a decent model cabinet next year. Not sure if I will be able to have this in the house, or somehow make room in the "man cave".

As far as aviation memorabilia goes, I have a couple of MiG clocks which are cool, a F-105D throttle assembly and a Sperry AH. My father did his instrument apprenticeship with Sperry in London around 1945/46. Dad got to look at and play with some German gyro instruments and said they were crap when compared to the Sperry offering which was interesting. I also have a pair of original RAF Mk.VII googles in the original box.


Adam the Akrodude
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