Terror attacks in Paris

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Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:04 am

Here we go again. I am just watching the unfolding events in Paris. When is this crap going to stop????
Heart-felt condolences to all innocent victims involved AGAIN!!!!
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby oz rb fan » Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:48 am

i must admit i'm shocked at whats going on in Paris(it really is a beautiful place to visit).....but on the other hand i'm not surprised,it was going to happen somewhere.

it wont stop as long as humans keep thinking as separate countries,religions etc...we are on this little rock together and once we start thinking that way we will do amazing things,till then we are likely to go through things like this (and possibly worse) and possibly go the way of the dinosaurs.

the people of France i stand with you and may your pain end as peacefully as possible.
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:07 am

I share in the world's collective grief in this most horrid and cowardly attack. This is a attack on all of civilised humanity. Paris I think is the world's most beautiful city - a city renowned for it's art, culture, fine food and amazing history. This is the most despicable act carried out by the most vile and evil form of gutter slime. It is time for the civilised world to sort this mess out!

My thoughts got out to all the victims and their family and friends. Viva la France!
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:09 am

Now would be a good time for local Muslim leaders to step up and publicly condem these henus and barberic acts of brutality constantly metered out by ISIS in the name of Islam......any time folks, the floor is yours.
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby RHB785 » Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:13 pm

I agree Ray, it would be but I can see see things from another side. How many Christian leaders stood up and condemned the atrocities committed by Christian fighters in Christ's name during the Crusades. And what was the prize back then? A wooden cup. Not a golden chalice, but a wooden cup. Please don't think I'm condoning what's happening in the world today because I'm not. The western Christian world hasn't exactly treated the Muslim world all that well and there have been grievances simmering for centuries now so it's perhaps not surprising that those grievances have boiled over into the violence we're seeing today. During WW1 certain promises were made to Prince Faisal which when the war was over were promptly broken. Personally I think that we are at least partly to blame for ehat's happening in the Middle East today. These are just my obsevations and opinions on the matter..

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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby oz rb fan » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:21 pm

i hate to say it but.......maybe we do need to get tough......Paris was only a part of it...Baghdad and Beirut were also hit.....my best mate is a Texan(and the son of a former marine and US army veteran of Vietnam).......maybe we need to make some where glow :o :o :o ...these bastards only understand one thing....as a self confessed pacifistic i cant believe i'm saying this,but f$&k i'm angry,these goat f$&ckers want us scared....i think it's time for us to make then scared......i suspect the French will take no prisoners.
oz rb fan
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:14 am

Religion in all it forms has a lot to answer for.
When the hell will the human race wake up to itself??????
As said in another post.......perhaps it's time for the zombie apocalypse, cause I think the human race has just about run its course.
tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby tor lives » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:26 am

oz rb fan wrote:i hate to say it but.......maybe we do need to get tough.......I suspect the French will take no prisoners.

I suspect you may be right Paul..... The west has pussy-footed and tip-toed around this for over a decade now, and the end result is ISIS as we currently know it. Time to do this and do this right. It is time to cut the head off this snake and end this once and for all, and the French may just be the ones to do it!!!!, and if they do, the world will be in their debt.
What are now identified ISIS strongholds should, in very short order, become smoking holes in the ground.

tor lives
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:55 am

The Western world sure has made a rod for its own backs underestimating the rapid growth of ISIS. ISIS it appears think this is some kind of extension to the Crusades - alrighty then, it's time to get medieval on their ASS! Interesting to see direct discussions between Putin and Obama at the G20. Let's see what comes from these discussions. France has been hitting the IS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria over the last day.

Sortie rates have been pretty low in recent times over Iraq and now Syria. The reasons for this could be varied and complex I guess. Perhaps it's a lack of identifiable targets, restrictive R.O.E? I do think air power alone is not the answer. Syria and Iraq to the north and west needs to be occupied - peace keepers ,whatever. Boots on the ground are now needed. Russia, USA plus NATO needs to pull it's finger out! Tragically, innocent civilians will suffer over the consequences of these horrid actions by ISIS, but if immediate action is not taken, even more lives will be lost. Being the true cowards that they are, civilians will continue to be used as human shields by ISIS.

I am heartened by the response by Islamic leaders here and overseas and there does to be a groundswell against ISIS with "Not in my name" vid's being uploaded to YouTube. It's this tiny fraction of nut jobs out there that can let loose such horror that can only be stopped once the leadership of ISIS is destroyed - the heads of this evil organisation need to be turned into pink mists! Western leaders have spoken that this is a attack on all of humanity. Now, it's time for action - words are not enough. Sadly it looks like the human race has a very long way to go before we can be considered "civilised" as a species!
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Re: Terror attacks in Paris

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:27 am



Time to get medieval on ISIS!
Adam the Akrodude
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