What I'm doing with 26 days off work....

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What I'm doing with 26 days off work....

Postby Night-Raptor » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:31 pm

Well - the upside of being forcibly away from work for another 26 days and not being allowed to do anything "strenuous or stressful" is a massive build-a-thon. Already finished two kits in 5 days, a Mirage and an F16, and almost finished a nice F104 (all of course, in Tigermeet livery), as well as a tracked monstrosity just awaiting final colours. Expect photos shortly....

I am aiming to finish a couple of sci-fi projects, and hope to source some Ansett decals for my 727, and for a Sea King chopper. The sci-fi stuff is massive - the launch bays for Thunderbirds 1 and 2, complete with pods and a huge amount of rescue vehicles. May even fit in a nice Aussie Centurion circa Vietnam, (getting in early for club display stuff for Expo 2016) and a couple of "Steampunk" airships that have been burning a hole in my stash cupboard. Variety - the spice of life.....

And, maybe, hopefully, manage to get outside the house occassionally.

I've only been out of hospital five days - and already, I'm bored.

But you know what they say - what doesn't kill you gives you impetus to spend countless hours at the workbench!!!
Night Raptor
Because after dark - everything looks good with Tiger Stripes.....
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Re: What I'm doing with 26 days off work....

Postby tor lives » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:37 am

Hey Raptor,
Geez mate.....I hope all is well and you are getting better, (it's never good to hear that a fellow A/CAMer is crook). Looks like it is time for lots of medicinal modelling-making :D .
Take care of yourself mate.
tor lives
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Re: What I'm doing with 26 days off work....

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:25 am

Sorry to hear you've been crook Raptor. Hope you are on the mend. Great to see you are using this time off constructively (literally!). Very much looking forward to seeing pic's of your work.

Recover and mend well!


Adam the Akrodude
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