Tigermoth flight

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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:16 pm

Don't stress Damo. Poor saps are dime a dozen. We'll get someone else to do the decals while Wally can still be the ACAM roving correspondent :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:20 pm

Cap'n Wannabe wrote:
Adam the Akrodude wrote:
hrtpaul wrote:I don't need to start it myself cos I'll get some other poor sap to do it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I vote Damo!

Clearly you haven't thought this through. There would be an unacceptable risk to the niche market of Really Cool and Unusual Civvy Decals. Wally would then have to step up to the plate, and would no longer be able to traipse all over the world checking out airshows and making everyone jealous..

Worse case, you loose one arm - big deal! There are some pretty cool artificial prosthesis these days - think about "Damo the Cyborg" decal producer - how's that for a niche marketing tool! Robotic arms really pull in the babes - big cool factor to boast - "Oh yeah, lost it swinging the prop of a Tiger Moth - no biggie". :D
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:24 pm

This is the one I want if I win lotto :)
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:06 pm

I can see and understand why you love this aeroplane so. Look, the way I see things is that you never know what is just around the corner. You've had a taste of Tiger and you want more. I knew a guy who became infatuated with Yak-50's after seeing the Russkies out here during the Phillips Trophy back in the early 80's. His mates laughed when he said that one day he would own one. Well, one day he did in fact buy a Yak-50 c/w a new wing and he ended up competing in Advanced aerobatics in his Yak - probably the last guy in the world to do so as it turned out.

So, stick with that dream mate, work towards it and it can happen. Age is no limit either. Years ago I set my sights at getting endorsed in a Pitts and one day flying a single seat aerobatic aeroplane - done that, ticked off the list, got the t-shirt. It's not hard, you just need the will and drive to do it. I knew a guy flying Pitts Specials up until his mid-70's. A Tiger is a lot easier and more benign to fly that a Pitts as well - very gentlemanly but requires skill to fly properly. All it takes is money to own a aeroplane. I've met three LAME's with aeroplanes - how come you don't have one or a share in one? C'mon - get a move on! It might take 5, 10 or 15 years. If you want it, make it happen!


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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:25 pm

Why don't I have a plane? Cos like you said it takes $$$$ of which there's not much spare. Maybe one day so we'll see what happens :)
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:28 pm

I like this particular one as it's a bit more practical than AMY with brakes, radio, intercom and tail wheel. Not original but that wouldn't worry me. Nice that it's an Aussie built machine and ex RAAF to boot :)
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:31 pm

hrtpaul wrote:Why don't I have a plane? Cos like you said it takes $$$$ of which there's not much spare. Maybe one day so we'll see what happens :)

And you won't have anyone to blame but yourself when it gets broke..
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:08 pm

Keep the dream alive Paul. If you keep it alive and work towards it, it may very well happen. If not this Tiger, others will become available in the future. I lived the dream and lost it (t/o in 6 seconds, 160 knots cruise, 270 degree roll rate, however many G I wanted to pull or push and 3000 fpm climb). :cry: I hope to live the dream again sometime. As my old boss used to say to me "Adam, it's your turn in the barrel! He was ex-Navy, which was a bit of a worry when he said this at the time! :shock:

So, I've had to put aside my expensive toy just for now. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Up to me as to whether I can get there again in the future.
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby tor lives » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:38 pm

Great photos Paul!!!.... thanks for posting, (especially for the close up detail).
Living proof that an aircraft doesn't have to be an F-22 to be considered pretty, interesting, charismatic, and photogenic.
Makes me REALLY want to start my 1:32 Tiger Moth, (but I MUST resist).
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Re: Tigermoth flight

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:54 pm

Why resist Ray, you know deep down you want to start that 1/32 Tiger Moth don't you :twisted: You know 1/32 is the one true scale don't you :twisted: It's easy, just walk over to that enormous stash of yours, pick out that poor neglected Tiger Moth kit that is desperate to be built and open the box :twisted: The rest will be easy :twisted:

Hmm, I hope using semi-evil mind warping techniques doesn't get me banned from this site? :roll:
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