Sexiest aeroplane ever?

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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby DesTROYer » Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:21 pm

Your spank bank is just chockers, Ray. I guess variety is the spice of life.
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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby oz rb fan » Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:26 pm

glad the Vulcan got in there TOR....and ray has got another of my fav's....the beautiful connie..........BUT
here's a couple of mine

last but not personal favorite.......

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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby F-27pax » Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:48 pm

Some of you guys would have harems when it comes to the sexiest aeroplane. Not a bad idea, but frowned upon in polite company these days.

But, for me, there is only one sexiest aeroplane and so it's an easy choice.

I've always been drawn to that early generation of mach 2 interceptors, designed to do one thing and do it very well. To take off quickly and powerfully, accelerate and climb rapidly and engage the opponent in rapid and deep thrusts (rather than the often senseless and frustrating gyrations of dogfighting). The other thing about choosing the sexiest aeroplane is to remember that it's not just about looks -though they are important - the sexiest aeroplane has to be a hot performer, the hotter the better.

So, what are the options. There's the pretty little MiG-21, but she sure lost her looks as she got older. Then there are those three American performers; the F-102, F-104 and F-106. They are fast and sleek and would show you a good time for sure, but they all have personality problems and you wouldn't want a long term relationship with them. Perhaps the best of the lot would have been the Canadian CF-105 Arrow, big, fast and with lots of staying power, but she proved to be only a pipe dream because she was too expensive to maintain. Then there are the French sisters, the gorgeous Mirage III, her younger, sprightlier sister, the Mirage F.1 and the beautifully shaped youngest of them, the Mirage 2000. To top that off, there's the big momma, the Mirage IV. Oooh la la! You could certainly go a long way with those four, and come out a complete wreck.

But by far the best is British. She's not as sleek and shapely as some of the rest, but she is elegant and looks like a real goer when she's standing still. You know what they say: the French think about sex, and Americans talk about sex (all the time) but the British neither think nor talk because they're too busy doing. And when it comes to performance, there's none hotter. I'm referring to, of course, the English Electric (BAC) Lightning.

So which, you ask me, was the sexiest of the Lightnings. There were six to chose from but the T.4 and the T.5 looked as though they were pregnant - though I'm told that some people like that kind of thing. The F.1 and F.2 was like a teenager, full or high spirits, eager, willing and sleek. Those early clothes they wore, simple dashes of colour on their sides, gave them a touch of glamour, but not too much to distract from their shape. The F.3s had lost some of the high spirits of youth but had developed speed and better performance and handling. Many who flew them said they were the most sporty of the Lightnings, and who wouldn't want that. And, what about those fabulous schemes they wore with colourful tails and extravagant squadron markings. Oh boy! But if we're looking for appearance and performance at its peak, you can't go past the F.6. Like women in their thirties, they have been around, they know what's what and when it comes time to get down to it they don't mess around. Sure, they've put on a little weight and they're a little slower, but all that weight has gone into just the right place so the word you're looking at is voluptuous. And they were very stylish dressers - who could go past a F.6 in those sexy late two tone grey uniforms. One could spend all day in rewarding contemplation of Lightning F.6s. (Quick nurse, the screens.)

So here are just a couple of photos to remind you of what true sexiness in aviation is.



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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:40 am

DesTROYer wrote:Your spank bank is just chockers, Ray. I guess variety is the spice of life.

:lol: :lol: ....well put Troy.
I love everybody's contributions to this thread so far.
Adam, Wal, and Troy....big thumbs up on the F-106, F-100, and F-14, and to the two Pauls...can't argue with the big ol F-4 or racing Mustangs.
Ray And are both right where the the super sexy "French Lady" is concerned.
I have two more to add and will do so when I get home tonight.
PS: As for Damo, the less said about your "contribution" the better. What next???? a friggen A380 :roll:
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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:19 am

tor lives wrote:PS: As for Damo, the less said about your "contribution" the better. What next???? a friggen A380 :roll:

Gawd no, Ray! I'd *never* put up an A380! However, for something a little's a few. Just for Paul..
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
Also, we don't need no steenkin' VLATs!
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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:05 pm

Liking these posts a lot! No one can be wrong here as it's like judging art or music - totally subjective.

Whilst the "6" for me is the most beautiful of all jets, of course I have many others I am totally captivated by.

Hughes H-1 - pure sex with wings


Spitfire - who could possibly not love this aeroplane. It captured the heart of a nation during it's darkest hour to become Britain's finest hour.


Fw-190A - this has a sinister beauty, pure killing machine.


Me-262 - revolutionary, sexy, deadly


F-86A Sabre - Legendary! Apparently flies like a dream as well.


F-105D - another legend, one that fought a very hard war. Super fast down low. Gotta love that coke bottle area rule, that helped it travel so fast! It was this photo below that got me hooked on 105's as a kid - in a National Geographic.


SR-71 - one of my all time fav's! This aeroplane does not look of this planet. This is only magnified when you see one up close. The "Sled" left a unique double boom over and near all the hot spots around the world.


The awesome E.E. Lightning! I particularly like the early F.1 version - the "hot rod".


F-22 Raptor - I include this as it has to me the most "sinister" beauty of any fighter I've ever seen. It just reeks aerial death machine! It's lines and it's metallic "RAM" paint give it a out of this world "alien" look I think. LM are good at this! I must add that I've witnessed this machine at Avalon do stuff I never thought could be possible with a jet - tail slides, vertical descending flat turns, back flips, etc - just mind-blowing, expletive yelling, eye-popping stuff!


Of course I've fallen for every aeroplane I've spent time in "driving" - some deeper than others, but that's another story.
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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:53 pm

Cap'n Wannabe wrote:
tor lives wrote:PS: As for Damo, the less said about your "contribution" the better. What next???? a friggen A380 :roll:

Gawd no, Ray! I'd *never* put up an A380! However, for something a little's a few. Just for Paul..

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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby DesTROYer » Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:13 pm

you're the one who liked his pictures so much you re-posted them, wanker. lol
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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby tor lives » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:16 pm

I have to say.....the last three pictures are quiet cool. Very attractive colour schemes.
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Re: Sexiest aeroplane ever?

Postby hrtpaul » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:33 pm

DesTROYer wrote:you're the one who liked his pictures so much you re-posted them, wanker. lol

Hmmm interesting logic there mate
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