Truly epic A-10 vid

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Truly epic A-10 vid

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue May 12, 2015 12:28 pm

Awesome, epic A-10 vid. I'd had to say I am a huge fan of this "Son of Thud". I think the A-10 is the ultimate CAS aeroplane EVER conceived. It's still hanging in there - just barely! Like the SR-71, it looks to be retired early. I love the F-35 program, but have doubts that the 35 can do all that the A-10 has done. It will do it differently of course above 20k feet at least, but as well as the Hog - hmmm? Time will tell. In the meantime, enjoy this amazing video. Music sucks though.

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Re: Truly epic A-10 vid

Postby hrtpaul » Tue May 12, 2015 1:25 pm

Cool video. Like the DC-3 the only replacement for an A-10 is an A-10 or a replacement designed for the job. The F-22 has flown a fraction of the sorties the A-10 has smashing the goat rooting ISIS. Why is that? Cos the F-22 isn't designed for the job like the A-10. Hate to tell you but the F-35 cannot and will not do everything an A-10 can and has done. It's can't carry the wide array and number of weapons on a single mission, loiter for as long and get down and dirty like the A-10. It's not designed for it. Oh so it can drop a JDAM from 20,000ft. So can the A-10. But a lot of the time a JDAM is overkill especially in the $$$ vs target stakes. You really think the USAF etc will want their multi billion dollar baby anywhere near the ground when all that's required is a gun run? Not likely and therefore the troops on the ground won't have the flexibility that is so often required on the battlefield. This is exactly what I mean
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Re: Truly epic A-10 vid

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue May 12, 2015 1:58 pm

Your vid - NICE!

Do agree in most parts. The USAF are hoping to bridge any gap though with existing platforms, UAV's like the Reaper and perhaps a new low cost CAS type for the "down & dirty" stuff (in discussion stage). Apparently the USAF can no longer afford mission specific aeroplanes. Keep in mind that the A-10 isn't the only CAS platform. It's obviously been done in recent times using the F-15E, F-16, B-1, etc, etc, etc. It's all about the training.

Interesting to read about the potential for the SDB (small diameter bomb) to be all weather and suitable for moving targets. Also interesting to read about the development of "dial a yield" bombs.

Check this out.

Still, it will be a sad day indeed when the Hawg is retired. :(
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Re: Truly epic A-10 vid

Postby hrtpaul » Tue May 12, 2015 5:07 pm

Depends which side of the the fence you sit with regards to that report. I liken it to that Sprey (spelling) fella who's anti F-35. My kinda bloke except he's full of shit. Just like that article. I find it funny that all these pro articles are written from the USAF side. USAF says this and a USAF General says that. Of course an F-15E pilot is gonna say that he can do the job just as well as the A-10 pilot. Wonder why you never hear what the USMC or the US Army want or their opinions. Of course the USAF have no money. They've spent it all on one plane that supposedly will be the be all and end all for the military. If they want to get rid of the A-10 that bad why don't they give them to the US Army that would gladly use them and want them. Oh wait. That's right. The USAF (and another AF we all know) are so pig headed and up themselves that no one but them can operate fixed wing aircraft. I dunno how the USMC managed to get fixed wing but maybe the US Army needs to try what the Marines did. Just think. The USMC and the Army providing their 'OWN' CAS. What would the USAF do then? Where would the USAF get their glory from then? They'd have nothing to do but training exercises and then couldn't say they helped out during a fight. As usual of organisations like this to just out to look after their own interests and not that of the country. Hmmmmm sounds soooooooooo familiar doesn't it.
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Re: Truly epic A-10 vid

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Tue May 12, 2015 5:39 pm

Getting pretty boring from a modelling perspective isn't it. How many new fighters - ah, one. How many paints needed - ah, two types of grey!

Marines have always done their own CAS, except when needing help from services. B-52's have also been used as CAS in Afghanistan - such is the flexibility of weapons like the JDAM. Munitions are getting smaller and more precise. The SDB is only 250Ib and future SDB's may have selectable yields less than this. With JTAC's controlling where the munition is to go, the "fighter pilot" these days is releasing a weapon that has been targeted by the resident JTAC on the ground. Point, click - BOOM! US and British Army Apaches have fired Hellfires into specific rooms in Afghanistan, leaving the others intact. Kind of amazing to see what has transpired over the last 70 years. From fleets of bombers required to take out a target in the past to now only a couple of fighters can potentially cripple a nation taking out it's ability to generate power, refine oil, communicate, you name it. It won't be long before truly autonomous un-manned fighters can do this.

An interesting point in that article is that all the recent CAS has been in relatively permissive environments. How all this plays out in a serious shooting war would be interesting wouldn't it. I'm fascinated in the technology. Way outside of my experience to comment on whether or not such technology will work or not. Kind of getting off topic a bit but related though, from all I have read from the "users" themselves (USAF. USMC, USN), all are blown away with the F-35 so far. One could argue they have to say this yes. Still, not being a expert or being part of the F-35 program, all I can go on is what is being released to the public. The F-35 ain't the prettiest bird around, but look at the A-10! As a tax payer, all I care about is that it does it's job - bloody better huh!

Sad all the truly cool aeroplanes are going going gone! :(
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