ACAM - Now with added Facebook goodness

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ACAM - Now with added Facebook goodness

Postby Night-Raptor » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:49 pm

Hi All,
As was inevitable, ACAM now has a Facebook page:
or search for "Airliner-Civil Aircraft Modeller" (without the quotes).

Your Admins for the page are myself, HRTPaul, Tony P, and of course TOR.

This is in no way intended to replace the ACAM website or forums - but it may help extend the reach of our little group - so please invite anyone you feel may be interested. We'll be concentrating mainly on the Civil side of things, and leaving the military to the forums and galleries on the website.

Needless to say - all the rules that apply here will apply there - this is after all about CIVILised modelling!!!

Any questions about the new setup - please dont hesitate to ask..... Any suggestions - please don't hesitate to be constructive :D :D :D :D :D

So - on your marks, get set, go!!!
Night Raptor
Because after dark - everything looks good with Tiger Stripes.....
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Re: ACAM - Now with added Facebook goodness

Postby tor lives » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:59 am

Hey Raptor.....GREAT JOB!!!!
Thanks so much for all the time and effort you have put into this. I really appreciate how you have taken this project and run with it. Thank you for your commitment to A/CAM and it's membership.
Thanks also to Tony, (who originally suggested this initiative), and Paul who are the other A/CAM Facebook page administrators.
PS: I will arrange for the Facebook link to be put on the site front page.
tor lives
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Re: ACAM - Now with added Facebook goodness

Postby tor lives » Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:22 am far, a healthy amount of activity on the facebook page, but not one new ACAM Site member, (which is a bit of a concern :( )
tor lives
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Re: ACAM - Now with added Facebook goodness

Postby tor lives » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:15 pm

Hi guys,
For some reason site activity has dropped right off, and I am not quiet sure why.
We have not had a single new forum member in god knows how long and posts are way down. If this trend continues I will need to review weather it is viable to keep the site running. I must be honest.....I am concerned. I do not want to shut the site down, (especially given how much time, money, and effort went into to setting it up), but if only a couple of people are getting any benefit out of it then there maybe no other option. Tony may be right....maybe the model site forum has had it's day and Facebook is the way forward. I sure hope not.
tor lives
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Re: ACAM - Now with added Facebook goodness

Postby Night-Raptor » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:03 pm

I also hope that's not the case Ray - I was hoping that the addition of a Facebook page would garner some more interest in the ACAM thing as a whole, and lead a few more people to the forums / website. Personally - I like the forums (I know I'm not as active as I could be - but unfortunately life gets in the way....) It's much easier to go back through things to find a particular piece of info on a forum - FB is not good for that.

I'm not sure what else can be done, other than to keep plugging the website on Facebook and hope for the best.

On another note - let me know if you want me to help coordinate the Expo display. Happy to help in whatever way I can.


Night Raptor
Because after dark - everything looks good with Tiger Stripes.....
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