hrtpaul wrote:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
From experience, when a LAME says "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", it can end up (not sayin' always mind you!)
That's a big ouch! Still, could be worse of course.
Insurance firm takes a hit. Wealthy warbird owner cops a increase to his insurance premium - oh well, it's probably a "company asset" or his super-annuation investment, so comes off his/her tax. Engine gets a bulk strip, replacement prop blades, etc, etc. Nice work for local LAME and engine o/haul shop. It'll all be good again.
How about that two seat Spitfure owner across the "Dutch" that has had his bird go over on it's prop a couple of times and I think loose one gear leg once in a ground loop - that would cost a pretty penny. ... cond-crashI love the owners comment after the crash "I don't feel like talking right now"
Diorama anyone?