well back home.....many memories to go through(and a shit load of photo's to sort out before putting a few more on here)
in many ways this was better than last time..
things i never thought i'd see...a P26 in flight....done.....a polished P40-c....done....the Vulcan again!!!!!...DONE.....more than one hurricane in one day!!...DONE
meeting the Swiss connie....the aircraft that our own HARS connie followed down the line and into service......awesome even for a self confessed NON airline modeller!!!!!!
12 spitfires in the air on one day
...how could one NOT be happy!!!!!!!!!!
the miracle of duxford......2 weeks before legends she popped a motor(a rod out the side)....two weeks later!!!!
finnally seeing the former Vlado Lenoch owned P51-d Mooonshine Mcswine
the VERY shiny redbulls B25
seeing a lysander in the air.....
and the memories go on....more over the next few days........